21 Day Fix Review
The name “21 Day Fix” might have you thinking that you’ve found the secret to getting the body you’ve always wanted in only three short weeks. It’s not. At least, not for most people.
Instead, it is a simple, convenient way to get body transformation results through regular exercise and a moderate diet of healthy foods.
- Duration:
- Frequency: 5+ times per week
- Total Cost:
- Money Back Guarantee
Workout Program AchievementsTop 3 Achievements for 21 Day Fix
Our experts do not recommend 21 Day Fix. Here are some better alternative workout programs
Introducing the 21 Day Fix by Autumn Calabrese
21 day fix is an at home exercise and nutrition plan that can be used for several purposes:
First, it is a great program that can help beginners adjust to working out consistently through short, doable workouts. With modifications given for each exercise, beginners will gradually strengthen their body in the daily 30 minute workouts, helping them achieve their fat loss goals and getting more active without overtraining.
Secondly, the 21 Day Fix is a nutrition plan that teaches you how to eat from the food groups you need to and in the proper portion sizes. This is often the hardest thing for people to learn. Not only will you learn how to eat a variety of healthy foods in the right quantities, you will see how you can lose weight and have the occasional treat. You’ll also learn how to eat for maintenance so you can keep the weight off.
The 21 Day Fix was created by Autumn Calabrese, a national bikini competitor, certified personal trainer, and single working mom of one. She’s one of Beachbody’s top coaches whose produced numerous other top-selling products.
Your 21 Day Fix base kit contains:
- Dishwasher safe Shakeology protein shaker cup;
- 7 color-coded containers that are the base of your portion controlled nutrition plan. These containers are BPA-free plastic, microwavable and dishwasher safe;
- 21 Day Fix Start Here guide – this short guide tells you exactly where to begin and shows you how to record your before and after measurements.
- 3 Day Fix – Autumn’s secret weapon for looking great in a bikini; it’s a one day meal plan that you repeat for three days to lose a little weight quickly.
- Three DVDs with a total of 9 workouts.
- 21 Day Fix Eating Plan – this easy to read 84 page booklet contains everything you need to know for your nutrition.
Our experts do not recommend 21 Day Fix.
Here are some better alternative workout programs:
Program Duration
The 21 Day Fix is 3 weeks long.
However, numerous users have repeated the 21 day program multiple times in order to lose the weight they want. Some people use it to help them get back into a pattern of exercising regularly. While, other users return to it in order to improve their eating habits and portion sizes.
It can be used by beginners to kick start a weight loss and exercise program. It can also be helpful for more advanced fitness enthusiasts who want to get back on track after the holidays.
- Printed Materials
The program comes in DVD and paper book format. You do not need internet access to order or view the program. You will need an internet connection in order to access Beachbody’s website to get yourself a free coach or if you are requesting a return.
You will need a DVD player and a screen in order to view the workout DVDs.
To order the 21 Day Fix, you can order online at the Beachbody website or you can call their toll free number. Beachbody will ship you your 21 Day Fix kit with your DVDs, Shakeology shaker, portion controlled eating containers, and the 21 Day Fix Eating Plan booklet.

Our experts do not recommend
21 Day Fix
Gender Focus – Either
This is a home workout program and portion controlled eating plan that is meant to help men and women lose weight. Both are featured in the workout DVDs, training alongside Autumn. Men and women will do the same workout, however there are different suggested weights.
The eating plan also works for both men and women. After you calculate your caloric needs, you will choose from one of four different calorie ranges that work for you no matter your gender or size.
Age Group
- => 20 years but
- => 30 years but
- => 40 years but
- => 50 years but
- => 60 years old
The 21 Day Fix is a good program for any adult that does not have any major physical limitations, looking to lose some weight, while learning about healthier lifestyle habits.
The workouts are quite simple and no fancy moves are included. Since someone is always demonstrating the easier exercise modifications, the workouts can be adapted for people of all ages and abilities.
While the majority of people shown in the exercise videos are between 20 and 40, this program has been used successfully by older adults. A 72 year old woman lost 65 pounds and 57 inches by completing 11 rounds of the 21 Day Fix program.
Body Type (BMI) Fit
- Over-Weight (Body Mass Index 25 to 29.9)
- Obese (Body Mass Index 30 to 34.9)
- Extremely Obese (Body Mass Index => 35)
The 21 Day Fix is a program that anyone of any body type can do if they are looking to lose weight. It is not for underweight people.
No matter what your weight, it is a great program for those that are learning to eat proper portion sizes and exercise moderately. Especially, if you struggle with these two key components of a healthy lifestyle.
The Body Mass Index chart uses your height and weight to estimate the amount of body fat you carry and gives you a number. This number will put you in either the underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese category. These numbers can be used as an indicator of your risks for health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers.
If your BMI puts you in the overweight or obese category, studies prove that adding in daily exercise and eating more fruits and vegetables can help you reduce your risk of certain diseases. The 21 Day Fix is the perfect program to help you kickstart a healthier lifestyle today.
Exercise Type(s)
- Weights
- Yoga
- Pilates
- Body Weight
The 21 Day Fix contains 9 different workouts that come with four different exercise types. This includes cardio, weightlifting and bodyweight resistance exercises, yoga, and pilates.
The great thing about the workouts in this program is that you get a nice variety of training styles. There are
- two cardio workouts
- one lower body weightlifting and one upper body weightlifting routine
- one pilates workout
- one yoga workout
- two full body weightlifting workouts,
and one shorter ab routine that you can add on to the end of any workout or use in place of one if you don’t have time for a regular 30 minute session.
The cardio workouts use the principles of high intensity interval training. You will have timed work intervals and rest periods with various bodyweight exercises that can be done in your home. There aren’t any running workouts and no exercises that require additional equipment.
The four weightlifting routines include a variety of exercises that use both dumbbells or resistance bands as well as your own bodyweight. Again, Autumn uses timed intervals so you don’t need to count your reps or feel you have to keep up with the other people demonstrating the exercises in the video. You’ll be able to work at your own pace within the timed interval provided.
In the week, you will have two active recovery days that give you a bit of a break every three to four days. On your active recovery days, you will do either a pilates or yoga workout designed specifically for the 21 Day Fix.
Lastly, the ab workout is an option that you can add onto your workouts on any day or do in place of a regular one, although you should try to avoid this if at all possible. More details about the workout program will come a little later in this write-up.

21 Day Fix
is not being recommended
See what our experts suggest instead
Fitness Goals
Fat Burning
Body Transformation
The key health and fitness goals promised include body transformation and fat burning. Multiple before and after photos of 21 Day Fix users are found all over the internet. Pounds and inches of fat have been lost and people smile proudly because they were able to accomplish their goals.
Let’s take a look at how the program helps people build an exercise routine, drop fat, and transform their bodies.
First, you have the 21 Day Fix workouts. These 30 minute exercise sessions will boost your heart rate and challenge your entire body, leaving your muscles drained of oxygen, carbohydrates, and other nutrients. In doing so, your body will be forced to repair and rebuild itself, to bring it back to it’s regular state which can take up to 48 hours. This is also called “boosting your metabolism.”
Second of all, the low calorie diet that focuses on whole foods will force your body to dig into it’s fat reserves, as it works to rebuild and repair your hard working muscles. The boost you’ll get from using Shakeology is said to help your body repair itself and help stabilize your blood sugar levels. Users claim that the addition of Shakeology every day has helped reduce their cravings for junk food while giving them energy boosts.
What you’ll get from the 21 Day Fix is an introduction to working out and eating healthier. It can also help you get back on track with regular exercise. You’ll learn about nutrition and how it can help you feel better, along with proper portion sizes of all the food groups, including treats.
Single Vs Group
- Alone
This continuous three week exercise and nutrition program is designed to be done alone. However, you will have the option of signing up for a free coach through Beachbody who will help you stay motivated, and on track, as you go through the program. More information on Beachbody coaches will be included in the discussion on Support.
The advantage of having a program that you can do alone is that you don’t need to rely on someone else to get your workout in. You can fit in your 30 minute sessions when it suits you best, which is ideal considering you are required to workout in some capacity 21 days in a row.
Workout Location
- At home workout program only
The 21 Day Fix is an at home workout program. This saves you travel time to and from the gym, as well as the cost of a gym membership. Since you will need a DVD player and a screen to play the workouts, it makes the most sense to complete them at home.
This DVD workout program will give you a strong educational foundation to safely perform multiple free weight and bodyweight exercises, while allowing you to improve your fitness levels and progress at your own pace.

21 Day Fix
is not being recommended
See what our experts suggest instead
Workout Equipment
- Yes - simple and portable equipment
You will need a few basic pieces of gym equipment. These pieces will be simple and convenient to transport and store. If you do not have these items already, they are also easy to find.
You will need:
- a light set of dumbbells,
- a heavier set of dumbbells,
- a resistance band,
- a yoga mat.
It is suggested that women use a pair of 3 to 5 pound dumbbells for their light set and men lift with a pair weighing 8 to 10 pounds. For the heavier set, women should have a pair of 8 to 10 pound dumbbells and men should use ones that weigh 15 to 20 pound. These are suggested weights only. You can also choose not to use them if you’re a beginner.
If you don’t have access to dumbbells, you have the option of using a resistance band. There is someone working along with the rest of the group, demonstrating each of the moves.
A yoga mat is nice to have for extra padding when you’re doing floor exercises such as crunches and kneeling push ups. It gives you additional stability, and keeps your feet from sliding when you’re doing the yoga workout.
Accessories (required)
There are a few accessories recommended for the program.
First of all, you should have a towel and water with you for each workout. You’ll need water to stay hydrated since you’ll be losing fluid as you sweat. A towel will be needed to wipe the moisture off, especially if you tend to sweat a lot.
Secondly, you’ll need a pair of supportive shoes. Some of the workouts contain high impact aerobic moves and you’ll want to have your feet properly cushioned as you run on the spot and jump repeatedly.
The last piece of recommended equipment you’ll need for the 21 Day Fix is the Beachbody miniMAT. This is not essential to your success. The miniMAT is recommended to give your back additional support, and to make floor exercises more comfortable. You can also use a yoga mat in place of the miniMAT.
- 5+ times per week
The program has been designed so that you will workout 7 days a week for 21 days.
The first two weeks, you will stick to the once a day workouts. Keep in mind that you will not be doing cardio or weight lifting every single day. You can also choose to do the 10 minute Fix for Abs routine on those days when you absolutely don’t have time for a half hour workout.
We strongly suggest sticking to the workout calendar provided, as it has carefully balanced the more intense cardio workouts with the weight lifting ones and the more restorative pilates and yoga routines.

Our experts have reviewed the
21 Day Fix
and are instead recommending the below workouts
- Follow required program regime strictly to get results
The 21 Day Fix will require you to stick to a very strict nutrition and training regime for the full three weeks.
You will be performing at least one 30 minute workout every day for the first two weeks. You will also be required to stick to your colored container portion sizes while eating in a significant caloric deficit. This may be tough, especially if healthy eating and regular exercise are new to you.
You have the option of doubling up on workouts as indicated in the workout calendar for the final 7 days. You can also choose to complete the even more strict “3 Day Quick Fix” beginning on day 19 to accelerate your results in preparation for your after photos.
You will be able to customize several aspects of your program.
First of all, you will have the option to do the easier exercise modifications as demonstrated by one member of their fitness team.
You will be able to select the weights you will use for each of the exercises. You can also choose to use a resistance band in place of dumbbells. Autumn will also show you how to increase the challenge of each exercise.
For the Eating Plan, you will be able to select your foods from the lists provided for each colored container. You can still eat your favorite foods, but only in the quantities specified. There are also ways to incorporate your favorite treats or a glass of wine into your weekly nutrition plan.
Optimal Diet Options
- Diet changes required: Yes
You will find all the information you need for the 21 Day Eating Plan in a small, easy to read, 85 page booklet. The book contains everything you need to make your three week introduction to portion control a success.
First of all, let’s talk about what the 21 Day Fix eating plan isn’t and compare it to what it is. It does not involve calorie counting, but it does use general caloric estimations. You should end up eating in a caloric deficit, which is where the majority of your fat loss will occur.
It does not involve weighing your food, but it does ask you use the containers provided so you can learn how to eyeball what an appropriate serving size looks like.
This is not a plan you should follow for the rest of your life, however it is a great place to start. You should not remain in a caloric deficit for an extended period of time. It is good to take short breaks due to the physical and psychological benefits. However, the nutrition plan will show you how to add in extra containers, after the 21 Days, so you will be eating at a more manageable maintenance level.
The 21 Day Fix does not come with strict meal plans. Instead, you will learn how to create your own healthy ones based on the amount of containers you are allotted each day.
That means you can use your containers and combine them to make delicious and healthy salads, stir-fries, omelettes, smoothies, and more. Recipes for snack bars and cookies are also included. You’ll find tips on how to flavor your water, and the best options to add flavor and sweetening to your hot tea and coffee. There are 3 recipes for seasoning mixes that will add variety to your proteins, vegetables, quinoa, lentils, and rice.
Also included, is a basic eating plan that will help you get an idea of how your meals could look like throughout a typical day. From there, you have the freedom to use your creativity to come up with a meal plan that works for your tastes and budget.
- Supplements Required: Yes
There are two supplements recommended for the 21 Day Fix program: Shakeology and a multivitamin.
Shakeology is more than a protein supplement. It can be used as a nutritious meal or snack any time of day. You only need one scoop to make yourself a superfoods shake that includes protein, antioxidants, phytonutrients, prebiotics, enzymes, and more. Users have said it reduces their cravings for junk food, stabilizes their blood sugar levels, boosts their immune systems, and gives them energy all day long.
When you use the shake as a meal or snack, you get to choose what it counts towards: either one and a half servings of secondary veggies and grains (yellow container), two servings of fresh fruit (purple container), or one serving of lean protein (red container). It comes in six flavours, two of which are vegan friendly.
Shakeology comes with a 30 day guarantee. Try it for 30 days and if you don’t feel healthier and have more energy, you can return your empty bag for a full refund, minus the cost of shipping and handling.
Since you will be eating in a calorie deficit, Beachbody recommends adding in a multivitamin to help you meet your daily nutritional requirements. A multivitamin will help you stay healthy by filling in the holes of your diet plan as you workout 7 days a week.
Supplement Brand
- Supplements Brands Recommended: Yes
Beachbody makes Shakeology, the supplement recommended for the 21 Day Fix. It is more than a protein supplement. It can be used as a nutritious meal or snack that you can have at any time of day.
You only need one scoop to make yourself a superfoods shake that includes protein, antioxidants, phytonutrients, prebiotics, enzymes, and more. Users have said it reduces their cravings for junk food, stabilizes their blood sugar levels, boosts their immune systems, and gives them energy all day long.
They also make a multivitamin called ActiVit, which is recommended for the 21 Day Fix. They believe their multivitamin is superior because it contains a unique combination of vitamins, minerals, and natural plants extracts that will boost your energy levels, support fat burning, and help you recover faster from your workouts.

Workout Program Support
In your 21 Day Fix “Start Here” guide, you are encouraged to go to the Beachbody online community message boards at teambeachbody . com. You will be able to find experts to help answer any questions you have.
If you are doing the program, take advantage of the offer Beachbody supplies to all it’s customers and sign up for your free coach. Everyone who purchases a Beachbody program has this opportunity. Coaches are also Beachbody customers who have successfully gone through the 21 Day Fix program. They can help answer your questions and keep you motivated. You can sign up for a coach at the website listed inside your 21 Day Fix package.
Another way to get help and find motivation is to post your post-workout and transformation pictures on social media and use the hashtag #21dayfix.
The Beachbody website has a Support page with useful articles you can search that might answer your question. If you can’t find the answer to your question, you can use the Contact Form to ask an expert, email the company, live chat with an agent, or phone Beachbody directly.
Our experts do not recommend 21 Day Fix.
Check out these alternative programs instead.
User Testimonials
Beachbody is a well known provider of home workout programs. Hundreds of thousands of people have trusted their programs to give them life changing body transformations and better health.
And they work! Many Beachbody customers become Beachbody coaches because they absolutely love the programs, the products, and the results.
Looking beyond the scale losses and smaller sizes, these are the three most common phrases you’ll hear from people who have completed the full 21 Day Fix:
– I feel amazing!
– Anyone can do the half hour workouts.
– Using the containers made eating right so much easier!
– I could still eat my favorite foods, just less of them.
Men and women, young moms and grandpas, have all used the 21 Day Fix to kickstart their fitness journeys and improve their eating habits.
Carl Daikeler, the CEO of Beachbody, lost 12 pounds in 21 days using the 21 Day Fix and underwent a visible transformation. And thousands of others have posted stunning before and after pictures that give credit to Autumn Calabrese’s 21 Day Fix. People like the short, simplified program, Autumn’s teaching style, and they love the way they look and feel after completing one or more rounds of the 21 Day Fix.
Autumn Calabrese is a celebrity trainer. She has achieved celebrity status from her fun yet effective workouts on Beachbody. She is also a bikini competitor and has created a recipe book called “Fixate” which includes recipes that coincide with the coloured containers.
She has appeared on Dr. Oz, the Queen Latifah Show, the Hallmark Channel, Home and Family show, Muscle & Fitness magazine, Shape, Ok! USA, KTLA 5, and websites such as Brooke Burke’s Modern Mom and PopSugar.
Other User Testimonials
The 21 Day Fix is a very popular workout program. And Beachbody owes it some love. It was their top selling product in 2015 and 2016. When you look Beachbody’s On Demand service, it has been the top viewed workout series for the past two years.
Other reviews give it a good overall evaluation. What other people like about it are the focus on eating whole foods and not calorie counting; they like the workouts and the fact that they are 30 minutes long. They also say it was a good way to start or get back into exercising regularly.
Many people have lost weight doing the 3 week program. These people tended to be overweight and sedentary before starting, so exercising seven days a week for 3 weeks and watching their portion sizes created some very dramatic transformations.
Those users that did not achieve drastic results were people that already worked out fairly regularly, ate a relatively balanced diet of whole foods, and didn’t have a lot of weight to lose.
To give you an idea how popular the 21 Day Fix is, take a look at their following on social media. It has over 581,000 followers on Facebook and over 407,000 on Instagram. Autumn Calabrese has 581, 000 followers – and counting – on Facebook and nearly 508, 000 on Instagram.
Workout Phases Overview
If you’re new to working out and you’re wondering if the 21 Day Fix is right for you, let’s take a closer look at the 30 minute workouts you can expect to do in this top-rated program from Beachbody.
One of the best parts about it is that there is always a person in the workout videos demonstrating how to turn the intensity down on every single exercise. This is your easier modifier and she works out alongside Autumn and several other people who range in their fitness levels and abilities as well.
Autumn does a great job of giving you exercise cues to keep your form safe and clean. She not only shows you how each exercise should look, but also how the exercise should not look. As she makes her way around the room, after the work interval has started, she focuses in on one person telling them what they are doing right and offering them a small tweak to improve their posture or positioning.
Another thing you’ll like about the 21 Day Fix is that you have choices when it comes to the sound on the workout videos. You can choose to workout with or without music. You can also choose whether or not you want subtitles, something which might be useful if you need to keep the sound down while you exercise.
There are no phases in the 21 Day Fix. Everyone uses the same workouts. You can choose to use the modifications, do the exercises as is, or increase the challenge.
Aside from the yoga, pilates, and ab workouts, you’ll begin each workout with the same three minute warm up. From there, you’ll be guided through a series of timed work intervals, some with and others without weights. You’ll have time to catch your breath between work periods and you usually repeat two exercises in a superset format for 4 rounds.
Your first workout is Total Body Cardio Fix. Don’t be scared and think this is a full half hour of cardio. You’ll be doing a full body resistance training routine so you’ll need weights or a resistance band and a mat.
You’ll begin by doing one full minute of a resistance exercise followed by 20 seconds of rest. The exercises are mainly bodyweight movements, weights optional, with some resistance exercises as well. You’ll finish off with ab work in round 4, followed by a cool down and stretch.
Workout #2 is called Upper Fix, and as the name implies, you’ll be working your back, chest, core, shoulders, and arms with your dumbbells. You’ll need dumbbells – or a resistance band – for this workout. Again, you’ll be working through longer timed work intervals with shorter rest intervals.
Lower Fix is Workout #3 and challenges your lower body. You’ll need two pairs of different weighted dumbbells, however you will be able to do this workout without weights and still challenge your legs.
Day 4 and workout #4 will come with a change of pace. You’ll be doing the Pilates Fix workout. You’ll need a mat since you’ll do the majority of this workout on the floor. Even if you’re new to Pilates, you will be able to do this workout. Autumn walks you through the exercises step by step. The focus in pilates is on your breath and the goal is to strengthen and lengthen your muscles, especially your core and abs.
Next comes Cardio Fix. You won’t need any equipment for this workout. But you will need some water, a towel, a good pair of shoes, and enough room to move two big steps to each side. Once again, Autumn uses timed work and rest intervals in superset format. You’ll be performing various bodyweight and calisthenic movements that will get your heart rate up and challenge your muscles. At the end, you’ll perform a 3 minute cool down and stretch.
The Dirty 30 workout is your sixth workout of the week. You’ll need two sets of dumbbells or a resistance band. This workout will give you a full body strength workout.
You’ll end your week with Yoga Fix. This workout will bring down the intensity and you’ll be getting in some stretching while also working on balance. You don’t need to have done any yoga to do this routine. Autumn guides your through the movements and you’ll end it feeling relaxed and ready to start the week again with the Total Body Cardio Fix!
In addition to the seven workouts, you also get a 10 minute workout called Fix for Abs. It includes a variety of crunches. Be aware that it is not safe for everyone. Those with back problems or have recently had a baby should not be crunching their abdominals for ten minutes at a time. The 10 minute Fix for Abs is meant to be used in addition to your daily 30 minute workout or as an alternative if you don’t have time.
The bonus workout, Plyo Fix, gives you an intense, high interval, high impact 30 minute workout with no equipment. This workout includes lots of jumping and is not safe for everyone.
Money Back Guarantee
- Money back guarantee available: Yes
Beachbody backs the 21 Day Fix with a 30 day money back guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with your results, you can return the product within 30 days and receive a full refund, minus the shipping and handling cost you’ll pay to return the product using a carrier of your choice.
In order to claim your 30 day money back guarantee, you will need to go to the Beachbody website and fill out the online form to request your return authorization within 30 days of the date of your purchase.
You’ll also need your original packing slip to send back with your return. Detailed instructions in video format are available on the Beachbody website.
Investing in Diet and Supplements
As it sometimes happens, you may find yourself paying a little more when you start eating healthier foods and taking supplements. However, with some careful meal planning, it is possible to buy only what you need and keep costs down.
Keep in mind that you should find yourself spending less money on junk food and eating out during these three weeks since you’ll be eating out of your containers.
There are extra costs for Shakeology and ActiVIT. If the supplements work as promised and you are healthier and do have more energy, you’ll be saving yourself missed sick days and medications, along with the long term costs of poor health caused by being overweight and inactive.
Monthly Subscription Program
- Has Monthly Subscription Program: No
There are no monthly subscription costs if you buy the 21 Day Fix pack.
The 21 Day Fix is a great program for those new to exercise who are looking for a simplified way to get started with regular exercise and eating a healthier diet.
We like it because it is a short program that focuses on building healthier habits. Autumn Calabrese is a knowledgeable trainer, and her positive attitude will help encourage you in each and every workout.
We like the fact that Autumn seeks to educate people. Not only does she create an eating plan that people can take control of, but she offers them a way to make it work for the long term. The way Autumn has used the containers to take the focus off of calorie counting and more about properly feeding your body is a great way to learn to eat better.
We especially like the workouts. Just 30 minutes of movement each day can get you amazing results, as is displayed by many people on the internet. The inclusion of yoga and pilates into the 7 day workout week is a great way for people to get a chance to experience other forms of exercise they might not otherwise try.
What we don’t like about the 21 Day Fix first and foremost is the name. There is nothing about your body that you can truly “fix” in only 3 weeks. The name “21 Day Fix” is misleading, and it may leave some people frustrated when they can’t lose 20 pounds in 3 weeks.
However, if you do your homework before doing the 21 Day Fix, you’ll see that numerous users have gone through the 3 week program many times. Whether these 21 day sessions should be back to back is not indicated in the handbook, but should you choose to repeat the program, we suggest taking a day or two off from working out and container eating, just for some mental and physical recovery time.
Autumn Calabrese’s 21 Day Fix is a good program for the average, overall healthy person, that is looking to start exercising, eat healthier, and lose weight. It can also be used for someone that needs to revisit what portion sizes look like or someone who needs to ease off of more extreme workouts.
So if you’ve wondered if the 21 Day Fix is a good program for you, it might be. If you need to lose weight and get moving, you’ll find the 21 Day Fix is a good option to kickstart your healthier lifestyle as long as you can follow the program rigor.

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