Bar Brothers Review
The Bar Brothers 12 Week Workout System is a program that is meant to challenge you to be the best you can be – physically and mentally. Because it has been designed to build incredible strength over the course of nearly 90 days, your mind will also be challenged in a way you have never been challenged before.
The Bar Brothers, Dusan Djolevic and Lazar Novovic, believe that their program can get you the body you want while, at the same time, building willpower so that you are able to accomplish anything you want to in life.
- Duration: 3-12 weeks
- Frequency: 5+ times per week
- Money Back Guarantee
Workout Program AchievementsTop 3 Achievements for Bar Brothers
- 5 for Advanced Workout Plans
- 5 for Body Weight Workout Plans
- 5 for Workout Plans For Men
- Building Muscle
- Body Transformation
- Gain Strength
Introducing the Bar Brothers by Lazar Novovic & Dusan Djolevic
Dusan and Lazar have lean, muscular physiques that show they practice what they preach. Their workout program consists of easy-to-understand exercises that are mainly bodyweight. It requires a very minimal amount of equipment and no expensive supplements.
Although it is minimalistic with its exercises and equipment, the 12 Week System is anything but easy. The Bar Brothers System is known to build athletic physiques. Strong physiques.
The people that have used the Bar Brothers workouts rave about the physical and mental results they acquire. Along with their new found muscles and the backing of the super supportive Bar Brothers community, many participants have found a new level of confidence that others take note of.
Stories of misfits and loners who transform their lives and their bodies after finding the Bar Brothers are not unusual. In fact, that is what sets the Bar Brothers apart. When Dusan found Lazar, a fellow Serbian refugee, he too was looking for something to help him fill the void in his life after moving to the United States.
Dusan and Lazar clicked. And after training together for several years, their story spread thanks to modern technology. They started helping people in their spare time and eventually, they did what few people are willing to do. They took a huge risk by quitting their school and their jobs, sacrificing their own financial security to create what is now known as The Bar Brothers 12 Week System.

Get a strong and lean physique
With Bar Brothers
Program Duration
- 3-12 weeks
The System designed by the Bar Brothers is meant to be a 12-week long program. However, beginners may want to take additional time before the formal program to work on the progressions the creators have demonstrated in order to achieve their first chin-up or push-up if they are not yet able to.
Each week, you have your workouts mapped out for you, with one or two rest days a week. Everything from the workout to each rest day is clearly mapped out so there are no questions as to what you should do when. In addition, each workout has specific guidelines to follow.
Beginners also have other options, which will be addressed further on in this review. Someone who is at an intermediate to advanced fitness level and has been working out regularly will be able to jump right in.
The minimum time will be 12 weeks and most people continue to practice the Bar Brother lifestyle long after the program is over.
- Website
Once you purchase the Bar Brothers program, you will be emailed a link to the website where you can log in to access the entire program which includes over 100 short videos and downloadable workouts to print out.
You will be greeted with an introductory video. There are also videos that explain what you will need for the program as well as videos with workout tips and nutritional advice.
Each of the Bar Brothers’ workouts is explained in video format that you can access after you log into their website. It is important that you watch the short introduction videos the Bar Brothers have included, as well as the videos on form and warm-up to reduce your chances of injury.

You can get more than improved strength
Your confidence can also rise
Gender Focus – Either
There is no gender discrimination in the Bar Brothers family. Although most of their clients are men, they also have amazing testimonials from women who have completed the program and achieved amazing results.
Since the founders themselves are young adult men, the program will likely appeal more to guys, especially young men who want to build up their upper body strength and the appearance of their chest, back, shoulders, and arms.
The Bar Brothers aim to create a supportive family atmosphere which includes brothers and sisters of all denominations, colors of skin, income levels, and people of all different walks of life.
Age Group
- => 20 years but
- => 30 years but
- => 40 years but
As suggested above, this program is likely to appeal most to teenagers and young adults.
The founders of the program, who you will get to know very well as you watch all 100 plus videos, look like two twenty-something buff dudes. And that’s typically who they attract. Other men their age and younger who want to look like them.
However, that doesn’t mean that men and women who are in their thirties and beyond can’t do this program. This program has modifications for people of all ages and abilities.
If you have the right mindset, are willing to work hard to get strong, and you’re otherwise healthy without any major physical limitations, you can do this program no matter what age you are.
Body Type (BMI) Fit
- Under-Weight (Body Mass Index
- Normal-Weight (Body Mass Index 18.5 to 24.9)
- Over-Weight (Body Mass Index 25 to 29.9)
The Bar Brothers System can work for nearly all body types as long as you are willing to work hard. Their promotional video claims that this system will work for you “no matter what level you’re at.”
Men who may be underweight and are wanting to put on muscle have done so with this program. There are numerous testimonials of individuals putting on muscle mass with the help of the Bar Brothers System.
There are testimonials from overweight people who have done the program and lost significant weight. Some people have uncovered their “six pack abs” for the first time in their lives.
What matters more than the number on the scale or how tall or short you are is your willingness to learn and work hard. No matter what your BMI, the Bar Brothers encourage everyone to do their program.
Body Mass Index (BMI) – an approximate measure of body fat based on your height and weight.
BMI chart for men:
BMI chart for women:
Exercise Type(s)
- Body Weight
The Bar Brothers System uses primarily body weight strength exercises, also known as calisthenics.
If you are not familiar with the word, Merriam-Webster defines calisthenics as: “exercises (such as push-ups and jumping jacks) that develop strength and flexibility that are done without special equipment.”
Essentially, you could do this workout program almost anywhere since it’s based on mainly body weight exercises. The workouts include plenty of push-ups, chin-ups, and pull-ups; explosive movements such as jump squats and jumping lunges; as well as some cardiovascular exercises and running. All of these exercises will quickly elevate your heart rate and expand your lung capacity.
Since these workouts are very physically challenging, they will leave you breathless and sweaty creating an oxygen deficit in your body, also known as EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption). EPOC requires your body to continue working hard after your workout is over. Some experts say up to 48 hours to repair and replenish your body and muscles. That is one of the keys to fat loss.
Most, but not all, weeks of the 12-week program will include an upper body workout, a lower body workout, a core workout, a shoulder workout, a chest workout, and a cardio workout. You don’t need any special equipment such as a treadmill or dumbbells or barbells. More on what equipment you will need for this specific program is yet to come.
Calisthenic workouts are good for people who are in generally good overall health and who have little to no mobility issues. Since you will be relying mainly on your body for your workout (hence the term, bodyweight strength exercises), you do need to be able to move pain-free for the most part.
Some individuals with minor back pain issues have been helped by strengthening their back during the program. It is always best to see your Doctor before beginning this or any other strenuous workout program.
A little later on in this write-up, you’ll get more specific information about the workout program itself.

See how to strengthen and tone your body
Without expensive equipment
Fitness Goals
Building Muscle
Body Transformation
Gain Strength
The main goal of this program is to build muscle and create a body that looks lean and athletic. Yes, you will also gain strength from doing this program but the appeal of the Bar Brothers’ workouts are the bulging arm and chest muscles, a wide, V-tapered shoulder to waist physique, and six pack abs.
At the risk of sounding cliché the purpose of the Bar Brothers program, as said by the co-creators themselves, is to transform your mind and body.
If you stick with it, the Bar Brothers program will deliver those results. The bodyweight exercises that focus on building the strength required to pull yourself up to a bar demands a great deal of upper body strength.
The muscles you will need to perform multiple one-legged squats require a great deal of balance and leg strength. If you’ve ever done hanging leg raises on a bar you know how challenging they are not only for your core, but for your entire body.
And those strong muscles will gradually emerge as your body leans out as it burns through fat thanks to the intensity of the program.
Completing the entire 12-week program will require mental endurance and commitment. The end result of achieving multiple pull-ups and a variety of push-ups, and your first muscle-up might be a huge boost of confidence.
Not many people can bang out multiple pull-ups and sticking with this physically challenging program for it’s duration and reaping the rewards of your hard work is something you know you will be proud of.
Single Vs Group
- Alone
- With a buddy
This workout program is designed to be done alone but if you are just starting out with pull-ups, it is nice to have a workout partner help you with chin-up modifications. If you are doing the workouts alone, you’ll probably have an easier time focusing on what you’re doing.
However, a workout partner can help you stay motivated and push yourself harder. And if you are someone who struggles with keeping track of time, reps, and sets, perhaps a workout partner would be ideal for you.
It is not impossible for these workouts to be done as a small group if you are working out at a playground where multiple people can do chin-ups or at a gym with several pull-up bars.
However, we believe that the program works best for individuals or pairs.
Workout Location
- At home workout program only
- Outdoors
- Can be done anywhere
- At home and/or using equipment at a gym
As you might have already gathered, these workouts are designed to be simple with minimal equipment. Essentially, all you need is a bar to hang on and your own body weight.
You can do these workouts practically anywhere – in your home, in your garage, outdoors at the park or in your backyard, or at a gym.
It’s nice to have a workout program that requires so little equipment and is also this flexible. There are no drawbacks to having workouts that can be done in multiple locations. And if you travel frequently, you can always take your workouts with you wherever you go.

Work out indoors or outside
The choice is yours
Workout Equipment
- Yes - simple and portable equipment
There is very little equipment required for this program.
You will need a small, even area either indoors or outside to workout in, a chin-up/pull-up bar, and parallel bars to practice dips on.
You can substitute a set of monkey bars at a playground or make your own chin-up bar at home. You can also use two chairs if you don’t have parallel bars.
Other equipment may be required if you are a beginner doing any of the regressions they offer, but they show you how to use items you likely already have in your home to help you out.
A small space will be required to do push ups and some of the cardio moves, but this program can easily be done in a small apartment.
You have a few options when it comes to chin-up bars. You can buy a free-standing chin-up bar or you can install a permanent bar in a doorway of your home or even outdoors. You can also purchase chin-up bars that can be put up and taken down each time you workout.
Alternately, you can also do your workouts at a park that has a set of monkey bars or also at your local gym.
Beyond equipment, The Bar Brothers encourage their members to work on mindset. They know that quitters and people who make excuses will not get far.
Accessories (not required)
In addition to a pull-up bar and a set of parallel bars (or two chairs), you will need a camera to take before and after pictures.
In one of the introductory videos, Dusan and Lazar explain how to take the before and after pictures, along with which angles and poses they recommend. Even if you don’t want to see your before pictures, it is always good to look back to see how far you’ve come. It will help keep you motivated.
The second thing you will need is a stopwatch or timer to record your time and rest periods. Not all the exercises are measured in repetitions, or “reps.” Some of the exercises are done for a specific amount of time; for example, 30 seconds of jumping jacks. The rest periods between exercises and sets are also timed.
The advantage to timed workouts is that it helps keep you on track so your workout doesn’t drag on.
Two pieces of optional equipment are a skipping rope, to be used during the cardio segments, as well as a low horizontal bar which can be used if you need to modify chin-ups.
- 5+ times per week
You will workout five or six days a week with the Bar Brothers program, with one or two rest days each week.
A detailed workout schedule is available for you to print off and rest days will vary throughout the week. You won’t necessarily get weekends off.
The workout schedule is quite strict; there is not a lot of room to switch around workouts.
However, it is important to note two things:
- it doesn’t matter what time of the day you workout.
- the workouts themselves aren’t very long – but will challenge some more than others – and most include only four or five different exercises.

With intense workouts and diet
You can change your body
- Follow the program most of the times to get results
This program will require you to stick to a strict workout plan. Each workout is specially designed to build on the last one. Your weekly schedule has strategically planned out upper body, lower body, chest, core, shoulders, and cardio workouts.
You will have days, especially in the beginning, when you will probably be sore. These workouts, although relatively short, are challenging. You will need to have discipline to stick with the workouts even when you’re exhausted and aching.
The Bar Brothers are honest and say their system requires hard work and dedication. But they promise that, if you put in the hard work, you will get the results that you want.
The only type of customization in this program are the options Dusan and Lazar give to those who have never done a chin-up or push-up.
In their videos, the Brothers emphasize that you should work at your own fitness level. There are a few ways you can do this: you can adjust the intensity during the timed periods of each set; or you can choose easier or more difficult versions of the exercises depending on your fitness level.
You’re also given some wiggle room to choose how many rounds of the circuit you want to complete.
Each week, the number of sets will increase. During week one, you will do three to four sets of each exercise. By week twelve, you will be completing between six and ten sets of each exercise.
Optimal Diet Options
- Diet changes required: Yes
Included in the workout system are two recipes in the form of two step-by-step videos. One video gives you the recipe for a pre-workout shake made with ingredients most people will already have at home. The natural ingredients in the shake will give you the energy you need to complete the workout.
If you’re looking to gain weight, they have a second recipe for a natural weight-gain shake. It is dairy-free and it also uses ingredients that most people will already have in their kitchens. They recommend you drink this weight-gain shake once a day but you can have it as many as three times a day if you are desperate to gain weight.
Neither recipe includes protein powder or raw eggs. You will need a good blender for both shakes.
In addition, the Brothers break down three body types: the ectomorph, the mesomorph, and the endomorph. They provide you with the physical traits of each body type so you can identify which type you are. For each body type, they provide training tips, specific nutritional considerations, and water intake guidelines.
The nutritional considerations for each body type give you macronutrient breakdowns (how many grams of protein, carbohydrates, and fats you should eat each day) that you will need to calculate and measure yourself. The specific amount of macros you’ll need to eat are based on your weight. This can be confusing for some people, but a quick Google search can give you a few basic tips on how to calculate these numbers.
As far as food choices go, there are no diet foods or meal plans in this program. The Brothers emphasize eating whole, natural foods such as leafy green salads, whole fruit, and meat sources that have not been breaded or fried. The fewer processed foods that you eat, the stronger and healthier your body will be.
For additional help with nutrition, The Bar Brothers Nutrition program can be purchased separately. It gives you step-by-step advice on how to eat for optimal health, along with tips on fat burning and muscle building.
- Supplements Required: No
Supplement Brand
- Supplements Brands Recommended: No

Workout Program Support
The Bar Brothers community is on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. They’ve been around only a few years but they’ve already accumulated thousands of faithful followers.
Their first YouTube video was posted on August 2, 2011 and currently has over 20 million views. Today, they have over 460,000 YouTube subscribers.
On their Facebook page, they have over 2 million likes. They upload content frequently and interact with people daily in the comments section.
The Bar Brothers name has branched out into numerous countries around the world. They are Bar Brother Representatives who’ve passed challenging physical requirements to earn such recognition. Several countries have their own Bar Brothers Facebook pages and Instagram usernames. Reaching out to your fellow Bar Brothers is one of the best ways to get support.
You can use the various Bar Brothers hashtags on Instagram, write on their Facebook pages, and comment on their YouTube videos if you don’t need help urgently.
The founders, Dusan and Lazar themselves, want you to succeed and are available via their website. You can get additional help via customer support by creating a ticket on their website. They also have a toll-free number to call.
Lastly, there is an online community that you can join. Dusan and Lazar have created a closed Facebook group for a monthly fee. In it, they promise to answer your questions, give you additional workout tips, and keep you motivated.
Please know that this Facebook group is an additional cost beyond the 12-week system. The first 30 days is $1 and after 30 days, it is $14.95 a month.
User Testimonials
These stories are taken from the promotional video posted on the Bar Brothers’ website:
“One year ago, I was skinny, I was just a little guy. But I found a solution to get bigger. To get muscular. I feel good…I found Bar Brothers… They’re so good, they inspire you. They give you a chance to change your life. So go and take it. Don’t wait for it.”
“Before I was skinny and my girlfriend dumped me. Then I met Bar Brothers. They motivated me and my life changed. I’m bigger and I have a new girlfriend now. We love you, Bar Brothers. From the heart.”
“Bar Brothers changed my life. Calisthenics changed my life.”
“People bullied me because of my body, but I decided to make a change in my lifestyle with Bar Brothers. People said I would always be skinny but I never listened and never gave up.”
“Thank you, Bar Brothers, for inspiring me to reach all my goals in life.”
“When I started Bar Brothers workouts, I realized that calisthenics is the epitome of not only training your body but also training your soul and your mind.”
In the video Dusan says, “This (program) is for the people who struggled, the people who never gave up on themselves. This is who we work hard for every day.”
Here are co-creator Dusan Djolevic’s before and after pictures.
When Dusan took the picture on the left, he was looking to gain muscle mass and build his confidence. As you may have guessed, this was before the Bar Brothers movement was born.
This is Dusan’s personal story. After moving to a new country, he said he always felt like the odd one out, like he never belonged. A friend told him about another Serbian refugee who had moved to the United States. As you may have guessed, it was Lazar, the man who would eventually become the other co-creator of the Bar Brothers System.
After Dusan checked out Lazar on Facebook and took note of his muscular physique, the two met up and eventually, Dusan began training with Lazar. He built muscle, got stronger, and gained confidence. He says he rose above his surroundings and began taking pride in himself. He found out that the key to success was believing in himself. Having an in-person coach and mentor probably helped too.
Around 2011, Dusan and Lazar began helping others after their first YouTube video went viral. Today, that video has over 20 million views. Eventually, they went on to develop the 12-week workout system.
And people from all over the world have thanked them for their help. They have motivated others to change their lives and live a healthier lifestyle. Videos showcasing their strength through pull-ups, muscle ups, and plyometric push-ups are legendary in the calisthenic community.
Women have also achieved great results from the Bar Brothers System. They’ve lost fat, built lean muscle, and gained confidence in themselves. Check out these fit, glowing ladies.
Other User Testimonials
The most popular comments from their YouTube videos include: Motivating. Wow! Insane. Inspiring. How do you do that? Thank you for changing my life. Where do I sign up?
And from Instagram, these comments repeat over and over: My inspiration. King. Role model. Beast. I need to start working out again.
The Bar Brothers and their program receive high praise from those who have done it. And it seems that the people who criticize the program haven’t been brave enough to attempt it. There are no negative reviews from people who have done the program; only praise.
All of the reviews from participants who have completed the 12 Week System are full of happy customers whose lives have been changed.
In “The System Conclusion,” the final video of the 12 Week System, the co-creators congratulate the participants who complete the program, reminding them that they can apply the mental strength they’ve mastered to anything in their lives.
From Instagram https://www.instagram.com/willpower159/
To find additional testimonials of the Bar Brothers program, all you need to do is to go to YouTube and type in Bar Brothers Transformations.
On Instagram, search the hashtag #barbrothers to see additional transformations.
The Bar Brothers Official Facebook page is also full of loyal fans who loudly proclaim how wonderful the Bar Brothers calisthenic program is.
In the greater calisthenic circle of athletes, Dusan and Lazar are seen as stars, along with several of their students who also live the Bar Brothers lifestyle. Overall, other athletes in the calisthenic/street workout field say that their 12-week system is a well-rounded program that delivers huge results if you’re willing to do the work.
Workout Phases Overview
The first day of this 12-week workout program begins with a test day. You’re going to have the chance to test five specific exercises to see how many reps you can get within a certain time frame.
Don’t let the numbers get you down. As the Bar Brothers will tell you in their weekly motivational videos, “Don’t forget where you came from.” Everyone starts from somewhere.
After test day is done, let the workouts begin!
When it comes to the exercises that challenge you or you can’t even do yet, watch the tutorial videos for all of the exercises before you begin any of the workouts. Lazar and Dusan give you modifications you can work on in order to get stronger.
Also, watch each two to three minute video before you workout so you know exactly which exercises you’ll be doing. You’re going to be learning some new variations in this program and you’re going to want to know beforehand what they are.
The first official workout is a lower body workout. If you can’t fully complete a set (for example, you can’t get 10 chin-ups yet) you can stay with the workout program for an additional week or however long it takes you to master the exercise completely before you move on to the next week. Or you can regress the exercise in order to finish the required number of reps and sets and move on.
The other option is to give yourself time to work on the modifications before you begin the week 1 workouts. A few weeks to a month can make a big difference in your strength levels.
Week by week, the workouts change and progress as you get stronger.
During week 1, you will be doing chin-ups (palm facing in) and a variety of push-ups along with legs, abs, and cardio workouts.
For Week 2, you will be asked you to do pull-ups (palms facing away from you). The focus for week 3 is more chin-up work.
Week 4 calls for you to do clapping push-ups and you’ll get two rest days that week.
Following your day of rest, Week 5 begins with an intense pull-up and chin-up workout. And the focus of week 6 is abs and core.
Week 7 has two rest days built into it, which you’ll need with the intense push-up and pull-up workouts scheduled in.
The workouts don’t get any easier in weeks 8 or 9. Leg workouts, cardio workouts, and more abs are scheduled in along with push-ups, chin-ups, and pull-up workouts. And by week 10, you’ll be ready for another two days of rest.
The intensity is building through these final weeks and muscle-ups are written into the workouts. You’re doing a minimum of six sets of each exercise and even though you’ll have built a crazy amount of strength by this time in the program, you’re probably going to feel quite fatigued and possibly sore.
Proper nutrition that emphasizes whole foods and minimizes processed foods as well as drinking plenty of water and getting a good night’s sleep will help you recover better between workouts.
Finally, you’ll arrive at week 12. As you prepare for the final test day on the seventh day of the twelfth week, you’ll have a light at the end of the tunnel. Two rest days in a row on days five and six of week 12.
After you test yourself and review your progress over the last three months, you will be celebrating the hard work and dedication it took to complete this challenging calisthenic program!
You can find new workouts that will continue to challenge you on the Bar Brother’s YouTube channel, on Instagram, and on the Bar Brother’s Official Facebook page.
Money Back Guarantee
- Money back guarantee available: Yes
The Bar Brothers are proud of their program and they believe anyone with the right mindset and dedication can finish it and achieve massive, life changing results.
They stand behind their workout system and because of that, they offer a 60-day guarantee as posted on their website. If you have an issue and need to request a refund, you will need to go to their website to submit a ticket to begin the process.
Just a note that on the sales video on their website, they say they give a 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee. If you choose to purchase the program, carefully read the return policy on your receipt to confirm if the money back guarantee is 30 days or 60 days.
Investing in Diet and Supplements
The diet described in the 12 week Bar Brothers system will not cost you extra money. The common healthy living principles of eating lean protein, whole grain carbs, fruits, and vegetables will not break your bank account.
You will not be spending additional money on supplements since they are not required.
Monthly Subscription Program
- Has Monthly Subscription Program: Yes
The Bar Brothers 12-week workout system requires a one time fee that gives you lifetime access to all of the videos and workouts.
Additional programs are available. They include another 12-week program that will further increase your strength; tutorials on additional freestyle calisthenic movements; and a step-by-step nutritional program.
A monthly fee will give you access to the Bar Brothers’ closed Facebook group where you can get support, motivation, and additional workouts.
The Bar Brothers 12-week system is an intense workout program designed by two men who wanted to help other people feel like they belonged.
Even though there is no documentation about Dusan and Lazar’s credentials or education in the fitness and training fields, it’s clear that their method of training works.
Plus, having credentials isn’t the most important thing when it comes to helping others lead a healthier, more fulfilled life. After reviewing their tutorial videos on form, I am impressed with how they emphasize proper exercise executive, especially when so many people today, including personal trainer, are pumping out unsafe push-ups.
When it comes to exercise technique and proper progressions, the two things you need most when it comes to building strength, the Bar Brothers do both of these very well. Their weekly program is challenging but they offer modifications, emphasize safety, and over the weeks, you will build strength.
What I don’t like is this quote from week 1: it only counts when it hurts. You should not be repeatedly doing any exercise that hurts. Just to clarify, this is different from muscle soreness. If an exercise hurts when you are doing it, it is best to regress the exercise and consider seeing a doctor if your pain is severe or continues beyond a few days.
For example, not everyone’s shoulders can handle doing chair dips because they put your already unstable shoulder in an unnatural position. Although dips done on parallel bars are much more challenging, they are safer for your shoulders.
I do like the fact that you do get your exercise descriptions through video format. It is important for all program participants to take the time to review each tutorial and workout video before you do the exercises.
I like their approach to nutrition. The Brothers recommend sticking to whole foods and they don’t recommend supplements. This saves you money and at the end of the day, you know exactly what you’re putting into your body.
For the relatively small financial investment, you get a lot of bang for your buck with the Bar Brothers workout system. I believe that if you commit yourself to the workouts, you will see huge gains in strength and the resulting change in your physique and self-esteem.
So are you ready to take your fitness level up by several notches, strengthen your body, learn some jaw-dropping exercises that will turn heads, and build your confidence? Then you need to do the Bar Brothers 12-week system!

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