Fit and Healthy Pregnancy Review
Pregnant women and those that want to become pregnant someday would be wise to read Laura Flynn and Michelle Ladd’s, “Fit & Healthy Pregnancy Guide.”
If you’ve ever talked to someone who’s been pregnant, you’ve probably heard how physically challenging it can be. While a few women sail through pregnancy and feel better than they ever have, and walk out of the hospital with their newborn baby wearing their pre-pregnancy jeans, most struggle to keep their weight gain under control and/or continue staying active. They end up exhausted and sore, with the weight gain of pregnancy haunting them for months and sometimes years after they’ve given birth.
- Duration: > 12 weeks
- Frequency: 3-5 times per week
- Total Cost:
- Money Back Guarantee
Workout Program AchievementsTop 3 Achievements for Fit and Healthy Pregnancy
- Pregnancy
- Post Pregnancy
Introducing the Fit and Healthy Pregnancy by Laura Flynn & Michelle Ladd
If you’d like to increase your chances of having a more comfortable pregnancy and a faster return to your pre-pregnancy body, the Fit & Healthy Pregnancy program is for you. Created by registered dietitian, nutrition coach, and mom Laura Flynn, along with Michelle Ladd, a personal trainer with over 12 years of experience, this program will give you everything you need to help you feel your best during the 40 weeks of your pregnancy and beyond.
What’s included in the program:
“The Fit & Healthy Pregnancy Guide: How to Eat and Exercise for a Healthy, Happy Baby and a Hot Post-Bump Body” – 134 page ebook packed with pregnancy information, exercises, and nutrition advice.
“In the Beginning” – a 37 page ebook by Linda Wallace, energy therapist. She includes Donna Eden’s “Daily Energy (tapping) Routine” that is said to restore your body’s energy balance, harmony, and flow. Linda also talks about the dangers of personal care products such as makeup, deodorant, and lotions. She encourages you to gradually replace your toxic care products with safer alternatives.
Personal email coaching – you’ll get the author’s personal email addresses.
Fit & Healthy Pregnancy Childbirth Hypnosis Solution recording – a 19 minute recording available as an MP3 for you to listen online and/or download. Listen to it frequently during pregnancy for a better birth experience.
Fit & Healthy “Stress Less” Hypnosis recording – a 13 minute recording to help you let go of stress and help you relax.
Two Week Grocery Shopping Lists – shopping lists for Good, Better, and Best Meal Plans as outlined in the main FHP manual.
FHP Stretching Guide – 2 pages of stretches along with pictures.
Recipe Rolodex – your complete recipe guide for all three meal plans.
Fit & Healthy Pregnancy blog – helpful articles for pregnant women who want to know more about staying active during pregnancy and eating the way of Weston A. Price.

You can stay in shape when you’re pregnant
With Fit and Healthy Pregnancy
Program Duration
- > 12 weeks
The Fit and Healthy Pregnancy System is a workout and nutrition program that can be used by women who are hoping to get pregnant, women who are already pregnant, and women who’ve recently given birth. If your goal is to have several children, you can use the guidelines in this book for many years to come.
The workouts contain three phases, one specific for each of the three pregnancy trimesters. There is no post-pregnancy workout specified. However, the Fit & Healthy Pregnancy book does offer you the 8 week “lose the baby weight” promise.
The nutrition portion of the program is based on the concepts of Weston A. Price. Included in FHP are a total of 12 weeks worth of meal plans.
- Website
The Fit & Healthy Pregnancy system can be purchased and accessed online. Once you complete your credit card payment, you will be directed to the program’s download area.
The FHP stretching and the main manual, along with the Recipe Book are all available as ebook PDFs that you can download and print off if you wish.
The Childbirth hypnotherapy CD and “Stress-Less” CD are sound recordings that you can access online. You can download them as well to any mp3 player.
You will be able to access the program on any internet connected device. We recommend that you also have a speaker or a set of headphones so you can listen to the hypnotherapy recordings.

With 3 phases
Every trimester is covered
Gender Focus – Female
The Fit & Healthy Pregnancy system has been designed specifically for pregnant women. It is also a great resource for women that are hoping to become pregnant or who have recently given birth.
The workouts are designed specifically to help ease the aches of pregnancy, support the changing body of a pregnant woman, and prepare a woman’s body for labour and motherhood.
The nutritional recommendations take into consideration the extra nutrients a pregnant woman will need throughout her pregnancy, and how those needs change during the nine months.
Age Group
- => 20 years but
- => 30 years but
The Fit & Healthy Pregnancy program doesn’t fit a specific age group, but it is written specifically for women who are pregnant, hoping to get pregnant, or who have recently given birth.
So if you are a woman in your childbearing years, even if you are not currently pregnant but wish to be in the future, this program can give you useful information. For example, if you are struggling to lose weight in order to increase your chances of conceiving, the nutritional guidelines in the book will be helpful for you.
Body Type (BMI) Fit
- Normal-Weight (Body Mass Index 18.5 to 24.9)
- Over-Weight (Body Mass Index 25 to 29.9)
- Obese (Body Mass Index 30 to 34.9)
- Extremely Obese (Body Mass Index => 35)
The Fit & Healthy Pregnancy Guide is a good fit for all body types. Whether you are underweight and pregnant or obese and pregnant, the exercise guidelines and nutrition tips in this book can help you feel better and prepare for labour, delivery, and the early months of motherhood.
The Body Mass Index scale is a method of estimating your health risks based on your height and weight. However, when you are pregnant, it is natural for your body to put on weight as it prepares to support one (or more) child/children. Not only does your body require extra nutrients to build your baby’s body before it is born, it also needs a healthy supply of food to support your recovery after childbirth.
This program does not talk about how recommended pregnancy weight gain amounts will differ for underweight versus normal versus overweight women. However, your goal should not be to lose weight when you are pregnant, regardless of your pre-pregnancy BMI. As you can see from the accompanying chart, pregnancy weight gain is not simply your body storing belly fat.
You should discuss with your primary pregnancy care provider what he or she would consider to be a healthy amount of weight for you to gain during the next 9 months.
Exercise Type(s)
- Weights
- Body Weight
- Cardio
The Fit & Healthy Pregnancy guide is primarily based on weight training, cardiovascular exercise and stretching. It also briefly discusses the benefits of yoga and pilates.
For the workouts, you are given recommendations for the frequency and duration of the weight training and cardiovascular exercises. Stretching is individualized and should be done before and after each weight training session.
Michelle Ladd, a personal trainer who has worked with pregnant and postpartum women, has identified the greatest need a pregnant woman’s body has when it comes to exercise. Pregnant women need to focus on their posture. They also need to prepare for the challenging task of labour and childbirth. After their baby is born, women generally like to fit into their pre-pregnancy clothes as soon as possible.
The cardiovascular workouts will help improve your endurance, burn calories, and keep your heart and lungs healthy. It is also a great way to help you prepare for the challenges of childbirth. Michelle provides you with a short list of approved cardiovascular exercises during pregnancy, and she also discusses which exercises are not safe and why you should avoid them.
Weightlifting and body resistance exercises play the biggest role in helping you get your pre-pregnancy body back. They are also the key in reducing your aches and pains as your body grows and changes over the approximate 40 weeks of your pregnancy.
Pregnancy hormones will affect your joints and your changing centre of gravity will affect your balance. Weightlifting will help reduce your chance of injury and you’ll be challenged to work on your balance.
Michelle includes a list of times when you should not be exercising. She also includes information on the special considerations that you need to know when exercising while pregnant.
Always check with your primary pregnancy health care provider before beginning any exercise plan during pregnancy.

Learn what exercises are safe
And what you shouldn’t do
Fitness Goals
Post Pregnancy
The key health and fitness goals that the Fit and Healthy Pregnancy program aims to deliver is to help you have the best, healthiest pregnancy you can have, an easier delivery, and a faster postpartum recovery.
A healthy pregnancy is composed of several things. It is one where you have a minimal amount of aches and pains. The Fit and Healthy Pregnancy guide gives you an exercise routine that will help you train the muscles you need to improve your posture and help your body learn to balance the weight it will naturally put on.
Being healthy while pregnant is when you have plenty of energy and feel well enough to do the activities you normally would. Keeping active regularly and eating nutrient dense foods will help ensure you accomplish this.
Your healthy pregnancy ends with the birth of a child. The workout recommendations and the FHP Childbirth Hypnosis Solution audio, along with the Stress Less Hypnosis audio will help you release your negative energy, allowing you to have a more positive birth experience.
The first few weeks of motherhood are challenging as you operate on a lack of sleep and re-adjust to your new postpartum body while caring for a helpless infant. If you’ve been diligent in doing your pregnancy weightlifting routine, you’ll find that your body will adjust to motherhood a little easier. The healthy meals will give your body the nutrients it needs so you can heal faster, and supply your baby with the breastmilk it requires.
The ultimate goal is to no longer look pregnant within 8 weeks after delivering your baby. If you follow the FHP program carefully, you will have the tools you need to accomplish this goal.
Single Vs Group
- Alone
The Fit & Healthy Pregnancy workouts are designed to be done alone. You do not need any partner assistance for any of the exercises.
This is very convenient because this will allow you to continue doing the same workouts at home after your baby is born whenever your schedule – or your baby – allows it.
Workout Location
- At home workout program only
- At home and/or using equipment at a gym
The workouts in Fit and Healthy Pregnancy are designed to be done either at home or at a gym. The author has purposely used very simple and minimal equipment so you can do the workouts at home.
This will come in handy after your baby is born. You’ll be able to train at home while your baby is sleeping using the same exercises listed in the FHP manual. This way you won’t have to worry about finding someone to watch your newborn or exposing them to germs and viruses outside your home.

Get the freedom to choose
When and where you workout
Workout Equipment
- Yes - simple and portable equipment
You don’t need any fancy equipment for the Fit and Healthy Pregnancy workouts. All you will need is a few inexpensive items that you may already have at home. If not, you will be able to find them easily at nearby store.
You will need the following pieces of equipment:
- a pair of dumbbells,
- a resistance band,
- a stability/exercise ball,
- a 12-24” tall step,
- and access to a cable machine.
Dumbbells will give you additional resistance for exercises like squats and chest presses.
A resistance band is used for activating the muscles in a preworkout movement. You will also use the resistance band if you are doing the workouts at home and don’t have access to a cable machine.
The stability ball will be used in several ways. You will use it as you work on improving your posture. You will also use it to challenge your balance if you use it as a bench. You can also use it as a support with unilateral back exercises.
A step is used to work your legs and glutes. You can use a traditional exercise step or improvise and use a chair or staircase.
If you’re at a gym, you can use the cable machine for the exercises listed. This is completely optional and not necessary to your success.
Accessories (not required)
Accessories recommended for the Fit and Healthy Pregnancy:
- exercise mat.
The workouts in Fit and Healthy Pregnancy require very little equipment. Aside from wearing a good fitting pair of shoes for your cardiovascular activity of choice, the only other thing you can consider using is an exercise mat. A mat will be more comfortable when you do floor work.
- 3-5 times per week
The workout guidelines in Fit & Healthy Pregnancy recommend that you participate in some kind of physical activity 4 to 6 days a week. It is better to do a little bit of exercising every day, rather than doing too much to make up for lost workouts.
The authors of FHP state that there is no perfect workout schedule so no set calendar is provided. They are aware that some days you may not be able to exercise for a variety of reasons that are related to your pregnancy. However, they encourage you to commit to at least 30 minutes of light cardiovascular activity most days. Allow yourself at least one full rest day each week.

Did you know exercise
Often equals a healthy pregnancy
- Follow required program regime strictly to get results
The Fit and Healthy Pregnancy workouts and nutrition plan will require discipline.
It is common for women to not feel their best during pregnancy. The first trimester often brings fatigue and nausea. The third trimester is a time when most women find themselves needing to slow down and rest more as their growing bellies make everyday tasks more difficult.
The strength workouts only include a handful of exercises which can make it easier to get through. However, exercising at least four days a week may be difficult for some women, especially those with demanding jobs and other children.
The nutrition plan is also quite time consuming since you’ll be preparing most of your meals from scratch.
You will be able to modify some aspects of these workouts. For those who have exercised regularly prior to pregnancy, you will be able to jump into the lifting routine and select the weight and amount of reps that works best for you. If you have not exercised regularly before pregnancy, you should begin with only walking in the first trimester. Wait until the second trimester to add in the resistance exercises.
The stretching program is also individualized. It was designed especially for your body because you only stretch the areas that are tight.
The program also includes precautions so you know when not to workout, and tips on how to exercise if you have morning sickness.
Optimal Diet Options
- Diet changes required: Yes
The Fit and Healthy Pregnancy meal plan provides you with a total of 3 months of planned meals, giving you 84 dinners, breakfasts, lunches, and snack ideas that will provide your pregnant body with plenty of nutritious calories.
The FHP diet is a little different than what you might expect, unless you’re familiar with the work of Weston A. Price. Mr. Price was a dentist in the early 1900s who began studying nutrition and its effect on dental and physical health. He concluded that the modern American diet is too high in flour, sugar, and processed fats. As a result, he promoted more B Vitamins and mineral salt. Over the years, other students of diet and nutrition have extended this further and this is what the Fit & Healthy Pregnancy meal plan is based on.
The FHP diet includes raw dairy, healthy animal fats, lacto-fermented foods, organic fruits and vegetables, grass fed cows and free range chicken meat and products, cod liver oil, and celtic sea salt. There is a lot of fat and cholesterol in the diet and the author, Laura Flynn, says that eating this way has allowed her to be leaner and feel better than ever.
You will be able to choose the extent to which you commit to the diet. The author of FHP offers you three diet plans: “Good,” “Better,” and “Best.” All three plans include 3 meals and 2 snacks each day.
The “Good” level will give you all the nutrients you need to help you feel healthy throughout your pregnancy. On this level, you won’t need to eat organic fruits and vegetables. However, you will need to buy hormone-free meat, full-fat dairy, and whole grain products. You’ll also need to invest time in making homemade salad dressings and other recipes.
The “Better” eating plan will give you the ultimate eating schedule. It is more time consuming and provides more enzymes and easier access to nutrients in foods for your body.
The “Best” meal plan requires even more planning and effort, but the results are said to last you a lifetime. Here you will make your own lacto-fermented foods and bone broths, eat wild salmon, organic meats, soaked nuts/seeds, soaked grains, and consume filtered water. While these last two meal plans might be difficult to sustain 100% of the time, you do have the option of choosing meals from the “Good” plan when you need to.
- Supplements Required: No
The first is folic acid. Most women know that folic acid is recommended by all health care providers to aid in proper fetal nervous system development. By ensuring you take folic acid before pregnancy and during the early weeks, you greatly reduce the chance your baby will have a condition such as Spina Bifida.
Dolomite is a calcium and magnesium powder supplement. One teaspoon of dolomite has the same amount of calcium contained in one quart of milk. Calcium is required for fetal development of tissues and teeth. Magnesium assists in the building of strong bones and helps enzymes do their jobs.
High potency cod liver oil is a good source of Vitamin A and D. These vitamins play several important roles in your body and in fetal development, some of which includes breaking down and absorbing minerals and macronutrients in your body.
You need Iron to make red blood cells which carry oxygen throughout your body. Iron deficiency leaves you exhausted beyond the normal pregnancy tiredness and can make blood loss during childbirth catastrophic.
Lastly, Celtic Sea Salt is a source of chloride. Chloride is needed for protein and carbohydrate digestion. A pinch of salt in water also helps prevent dehydration.
Supplement Brand
- Supplements Brands Recommended: No
Unless otherwise indicated, these are the brands Fit and Healthy Pregnancy recommends for iron, calcium, and folic acid supplements:
- Standard Process and Metagenics – these brands can be purchased only through a health professional.
- Solgar – the recommended brand for liver tabs.
- Kal – their dolomite powder is tested to ensure heavy metal and lead quantities are lower than the required limit.
- Green Pasture’s Blue Ice Therapeutics – for high potency cod liver oil in its natural form.
- Radiant Life – for their X Factor Gold Butter Oil which comes from grass fed cows. Butter Oil gives you a healthy source of essential fatty acids.

Workout Program Support
When you purchase this program, you will be given Michelle’s email address in the first page of the main manual. The sales page also states that they will send you their personal email addresses for any questions you may have regarding the nutrition information and exercises in the guide.
Other than that, Fit & Healthy Pregnancy doesn’t appear to have any social media pages or other forms of support. We recommend bringing the manual to your doctor for his or her approval.
For questions regarding the nutrition plan, you can also check out the Weston A. Price Foundation website and social media sites. They also have local chapters across the United States and the world.
You can find Michelle Ladd at her website: humanformfitness.com.
User Testimonials
The first testimonial you will read on the Fit & Healthy Pregnancy page is Laura Flynn’s, co-author of the program. Before her pregnancy, Laura claims she was 20 pounds overweight and unhealthy, despite being a registered dietitian. It was only during her pregnancy that she became obsessed with her own nutrition since her goal was to have a healthy baby and quickly bounce back to her pre-pregnancy size.
However, the information Laura had been taught didn’t work for her. It was only when she discovered the benefits of eating essential fats and organic produce and grass fed meat that she began to feel better.
Next, she called up her friend and personal trainer, Michelle. Laura credits her nutrition research and pregnancy workouts to the fact that she had minimal morning sickness, great energy levels, and no stiffness or swelling throughout her pregnancy. Best of all, she only gained 29 pounds and lost all of it within 8 weeks of giving birth.
Other testimonials:
“I had the most amazing labor – 1 hr 9 mins!”
“I only gained 22 pounds during pregnancy!”
“Everyone is saying I look very well; no puffiness, skin is great.”
“Even in the late stages of my pregnancy, I felt strong, great posture, without the aches and pains that so many of my pregnant friends think is normal.”
“(The FHP) helped me to gain only an optimal, healthy amount of weight and deliver a beautiful baby.”
“Laura’s FHP…helping me understand the benefits of eating better, but also how EASY it can be. I maintained a high energy level while nursing and it helped me to lose weight…”
“As a marathon runner, I thought I was in pretty good shape before I became pregnant; however, the FHP guide pointed out some much needed changes to my fitness routine.”
Other User Testimonials
Currently, there are not any published and verified testimonials by other users that aren’t already listed on the program’s main page.
Workout Phases Overview
If you are newly pregnant and eager to lace up your shoes, please first read this entire review and discuss any changes to your current exercise routine with your doctor or midwife.
If you have not exercised regularly in the previous six months, you should not start a new exercise program during your first trimester. However, there are some safe exercises that you can do.
For those of you who are not yet pregnant or who have been physically active before pregnancy, you will be able to ease into the workouts, giving yourself plenty of grace for pregnancy related morning sickness and fatigue. The FHP manual gives you a lot of great information on exercising during pregnancy, so read the chapters on exercise first.
The strength part of the workouts are broken up into trimesters. So each trimester, you will receive a new set of exercises. The cardiovascular and stretching recommendations stay the same throughout all three trimesters. And remember to take 1 to 3 days off each week to fully recover.
Workout Program Phase 1 – The First Trimester
If you haven’t been training regularly prior to your pregnancy, stick with only light cardio such as walking and biking in the first trimester. Pregnancy is never a time to set new personal bests or train for marathons. You’ll have plenty of time for that later.
As in each of the other two trimesters, all of the workouts for the first trimester begins with a 5 to 10 minute warm up. Michelle explains why this is especially important for expectant mothers and why you can’t afford to skip your warm-up.
Next, you’ll spend a few minutes stretching. FHP provides you with pictures and descriptions for all the stretches. However, you don’t need to do all of them; just the ones where it feels tight for you. And you’ll need to keep in mind that there are certain precautions you need to take when stretching during pregnancy. This includes yoga as well.
If you’re doing a weight lifting workout, you’ll do an activation exercise next that targets the muscles in your legs and gluteal muscles. After that, you’ll move into the four full body and three core exercises.
You’ll finish off with a cool down, which again, is also very important to do during pregnancy. You’ll want to allow yourself 10 minutes to move at a slower pace. This allows your body to return to normal before going back to your regular routine.
If you’re doing a cardiovascular workout, you’ll follow the same warm-up and stretching protocol, then complete 30 to 45 minutes of a safe cardio activity of your choice. The other option is to add 15 to 20 minutes of cardio on, after your weight lifting routine.
To rate the intensity of your workout, use the talk test rather than monitoring your heart rate. You should be able to maintain a conversation throughout any workout you do during pregnancy.
Workout Program Phase 2 – The Second Trimester
Your workouts will remain basically the same in the second trimester. Your warm-up activation movement and weightlifting exercises will change, but the general overall feel of the program is the same.
Your workout frequency, stretching, and cardio guidelines will also stay the same. Remember that the focus is on your posture, preparing you for labour, and the early weeks of motherhood.
Workout Program Phase 3 – The Third Trimester
Once again, your workouts overall will not change as you enter the final trimester of your pregnancy. You may find you may spend more time on stretching tight muscles, so listen to your body.
Your preferences for your cardio activity may change as well. Many women find that cycling on a stationary bike or being in the water takes the stress off their joints and backs, and is much more comfortable than walking.
There are no clear exercise recommendations following childbirth. We recommend seeking out a physiotherapist who specializes in women’s pregnancy and postpartum bodies before going back to your regular routine. They are trained to assess the condition of your abdominal and perineal muscles that have been stretched to their maximum limit.
Money Back Guarantee
- Money back guarantee available: Yes
The Fit & Healthy Pregnancy comes with a 60-day, 100% money back guarantee. You can buy the complete program, try it out for 60 days, and if you’re not thrilled with how you feel after following the exercise and nutrition recommendations you can ask for a no-questions-asked, full refund.
Fit & Healthy Pregnancy is sold by ClickBank, one of the largest retailers of online programs. ClickBank has a superior A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau, and they ensure that you will get every penny of your refund, should you feel the need to ask for one within the 60 day time limit.
As always, read the fine print on the sales page of the program to ensure that the 60 day refund is still in effect before you purchase this program.
Investing in Diet and Supplements
This is one program where you’re not simply investing in your own health. You’re also investing in the health of your unborn baby as well.
Therefore, it is hard to say that the money you will spend on higher quality food products and the time you’ll spend making most of your meals from scratch will be a waste. The end result of your pregnancy will be worth far more to you than the money you will spend being as healthy as you possibly can.
Monthly Subscription Program
- Has Monthly Subscription Program: No
There are no monthly subscription costs.
The Fit & Healthy Pregnancy Guide is a one of a kind program that will help you navigate the biggest challenges in your pregnancy. You’ll learn how to take care of your growing body by doing resistance and core exercises that will help your back stay stay strong so it can support your growing belly. You’ll also be introduced to a nutrition plan that seems outdated at first glance, but it’s actually a diet that could satisfy the needs of an Olympic level athlete.
At the low cost of only $27, the Fit & Healthy Pregnancy Guide offers you even more than a three-trimester exercise plan, 3 months of meal plans, a recipe guide, and complete shopping lists. You also get the added bonuses of two hypnotherapy audios that will help you prepare psychologically for the challenges of going through childbirth. If this is your first pregnancy, these CDs can be an invaluable resource.
In addition, you have the option of further improving your health with Linda Wallace’s book on energy, tapping, and personal health care products.
What we like about the Fit & Healthy Pregnancy guide is the freedom to move freely between the three meal plans provided. Since the focus is on improving your health, you don’t have to follow any of the nutrition advice to a T. You can also choose which supplements, if any, you will use. These don’t include any fat loss or protein supplements, but rather, ones that are meant to support whole body wellness along with good fetal development of your unborn child.
We also like that the workouts are relatively short. Although you will be told to exercise four to six days a week you can take this with a grain of salt, especially in the first trimester when fatigue and nausea tend to be highest. Also, in the last trimester when fatigue returns. The weightlifting routines are designed for home use and we think that the simplified sessions are perfect for pregnant women and new moms.
The nutrition plans do not include any kind of measuring or calorie counting. Instead, you are told to rely on your hunger and body signals to know when you’ve had enough to eat. This is a great way to get in tune with your body, something that will be especially useful during childbirth.
What we don’t love about the FHP workouts is that they may quickly become boring. You are asked to do the same workout for three months at a time, 2 to 4 times a week. The exercises don’t change that much during the three semesters.
We also encourage you to speak to a trained physiotherapist about how to perform kegels properly. Yes, you need to properly support your pelvic floor, however, the goal of squeezing your perineal muscles tight is not the only task of the pelvic floor. There is a better way to do kegels. A pelvic floor physiotherapist should be on every woman’s prenatal appointment checklist.
If you are a woman who is pregnant or hopes to be pregnant in the near future, you should pick up a copy of Fit & Healthy Pregnancy. The information in it is something every pregnant woman should know.

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