Toned in Ten Review
When an exercise program comes on the market and claims to completely transform your body in a mere ten minutes a day, eyes will roll. Can working out for ten minutes really be effective enough to make a difference? Erin Nielsen, creator of the Toned in Ten fitness program, claims it is “the most efficient and effective exercise system you will find”. Okay, Erin, we’re listening!
Any fitness regime is only as good as its creator. We headed over to their website to learn about the brains behind the operation. Erin Nielsen is a Fat Loss and Anti-Aging Specialist, Board Certified Physical Therapist, Certified Pilates Instructor, and a Primal Blueprint Certified Expert. This entrepreneur mom hails from Upstate New York and at forty-two, can pass for at least ten years younger.
With her credentials, this is no surprise. She has spent almost twenty years in the health industry researching the most effective ways to transform the body inside and out in the most natural way possible. She has even published an e-book called The Youth Method: 14-Day Diet Detox. From her love of the body, Toned in Ten was born.
- Duration: > 12 weeks
- Frequency: 3-5 times per week
- Total Cost:
- Money Back Guarantee
Workout Program AchievementsTop 3 Achievements for Toned in Ten
- Fat Burning
- Body Transformation
- Bikini Body
- Gain Strength
- Core Fitness
Introducing the Toned in Ten by Erin Nielsen
Jumping the Hurdles
Don’t want to spend hours each day working out? Hate having to pay for a gym membership when you are rarely able to go? Dread that long boring cardio routine? A relatively new program, only released in 2015, Toned in Ten looks to solve the three most common hurdles to working out: TIME, MONEY and BOREDOM.
- TIME – In as little as 50 minutes a week, you will work out to reshape your physique.
- MONEY – Work out right at home with only bodyweight workouts, saving you money on a gym membership and extra equipment.
- BOREDOM – Mix and match the 10 minute workouts to keep your body guessing, cutting out long stints of cardio.
Nielsen aims to debunk the idea that working out for hours a day is the way to go. She even goes as far to call out the CDC on a published statement that “more time equals more health benefits”. She believes that these intense bouts of exercise and poor nutrition habits are exactly the causes of aging, unhealthy weight-gain, and loss of energy. Extraneous exercise increases your risk of injury, putting more and more stress onto the body. This coming from a seasoned Physical Therapist who has seen her share of fitness-related injuries.
Like many popular workouts, Toned in Ten is an at-home workout program sold as an instant-download e-book. An e-book is just a fancy way of saying it is a PDF file. This format can be easily downloaded to any device connected to the internet. If you prefer a paper copy, you can print the file and store in a folder or binder of your choosing. Either way, the portability is fantastic in case you decide to sneak in a workout at the office on your lunch break.
There are five major parts to the Toned in Ten package that you will receive upon ordering: Defy Aging and Reshape Your Body with 10 Minute at Home Bodyweight Workouts, the corresponding Video Workouts, Nutrition Guide, Youthful Secrets, and Grocery Shopping List.
In addition, Erin throws in some extras for added oomph! These extra e-books include: Tabata Workouts, The Top 20 Most Powerful Anti-Aging Foods, Youth Enhancing Fat Loss Recipes, Say Goodbye to Cellutlite!, Anti-Aging Smoothie Recipes, Accelerated Fat Loss 1 Week Meal Planner, and 72 Hour Radiant Skin Detox. That is a total of twelve attachments and almost two-hundred-pages worth of material.

Get fit fast
With Toned in Ten
Program Duration
- > 12 weeks
The Toned in Ten workout program takes your through five days of different exercise rotations, mixing it up between upper body, lower body, and a pilates based ab focus day. Two days of the week, Saturday and Sunday, are rest days. The schedule can be moved around to fit your own schedule’s flow, but you are aiming to work out five days per week.
Lifestyle is key here.
There is no designated number of weeks to complete the program. Erin wants it to become a lifestyle choice you can maintain for months to years. Health and fitness should not just be for those urgent moments when you have to prepare for an event or deal with a medical issue.
It should be a number one priority every day of your life. At only ten minutes per day, even the most novice of beginners can incorporate the routine.
- Printed Materials
Like many popular workouts, Toned in Ten is an at-home workout program sold as an instant-download e-book. An e-book is just a fancy way of saying it is a PDF file. This format can be easily downloaded to any device connected to the internet.
If you prefer a paper copy, you can print the file and store it in a folder or binder of your choosing. Either way, the portability is fantastic in case you decide to sneak in a workout at the office on your lunch break.
There are five major parts to the Toned in Ten package that you will receive upon ordering: Defy Aging and Reshape Your Body with 10 Minute at Home Bodyweight Workouts, the corresponding Video Workouts, Nutrition Guide, Youthful Secrets, and Grocery Shopping List.
In addition, Erin throws in some extras for added oomph! These extra e-books include: Tabata Workouts, The Top 20 Most Powerful Anti-Aging Foods, Youth Enhancing Fat Loss Recipes, Say Goodbye to Cellutlite!, Anti- Aging Smoothie Recipes, Accelerated Fat Loss 1 Week Meal Planner, and 72 Hour Radiant Skin Detox. That is a total of twelve attachments and almost two-hundred-pages worth of material.

Not only can you reshape your body
You can also defy the aging process
Gender Focus – Either
Do not let her photo fool you into thinking Toned in Ten is just for women. The program is designed for men and women alike. The term “toned”, while it does tend to appear mostly in ads directed at women, simply means you have lost fat, letting those glorious muscles shine through.
Know a man who will not try a program aiming to tone? Swap it for the word “buff” and watch him change his tune. The age old saying not to judge a book by its cover is absolutely true. This little program packs a punch! No matter your age, gender, or physical capabilities, Erin urges you to try a new lifestyle that will get rid of stubborn fat, tone your muscles, and improve your overall energy.
Age Group
- => 20 years but
- => 30 years but
- => 40 years but
- => 50 years but
- => 60 years old
Erin’s program is best suited for anyone over the age of eighteen. This is because many workout programs are not suited for young bodies that are still developing. Working out in the wrong way can hinder proper muscle and bone growth.
For safety, avoid this program if you are under eighteen years old.
Body Type (BMI) Fit
- Under-Weight (Body Mass Index
- Normal-Weight (Body Mass Index 18.5 to 24.9)
- Over-Weight (Body Mass Index 25 to 29.9)
- Obese (Body Mass Index 30 to 34.9)
- Extremely Obese (Body Mass Index => 35)
Bodies and BMIs
Often a major setback to getting in shape is body image. Overweight, underweight, or right on track, you may worry what you will and will not be capable of. The fear of failure is real. In fact, the number one mistake most people who are new to exercising make is doing TOO MUCH, TOO SOON, causing them to burn out quickly and quit. Toned in Ten keeps it simple with only ten minutes and since it is an at-home program, there will be no worry about what “they” think walking around a gym.
It is important to remember that your health does not start on the outside, nor is it accurate to judge a person on their size alone. It is, truly, what is on the inside that counts. One of the major things that determines your level of health is your body composition or what your body is made up of – the ratio of lean muscle to fat.
The common term you will hear is Body Mass Index (BMI). While there is a general measurement of weight divided by height to find your BMI, this simple calculation is not always accurate. If your gym or doctor’s office has a medical-grade BMI reader, this will be exponentially more accurate. Even if you do not find your BMI, Erin encourages you to take a “before” photo so you will be able to see how far you have come.
Exercise Type(s)
- Pilates
- Body Weight
- Cardio
Toned in Ten focuses on High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT).
No long boring cardio here!
HIIT workouts involve short bursts of high energy exercises repeated multiple times with as little rest as possible in between sets. This style of workout has been proven to improve your Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC).
In simple terms, this is the “after-burn” effect of exercise where your body continues to burn calories long after you have stopped working out. In fact, a study in the Journal of Applied Physiology in 2006 found that the EPOC of High Intensity Interval Training can last up to 38 HOURS! With Erin’s 10-minute workouts, your body will continue to burn fat as you go about your day.
The e-books within the program constantly repeat the phrase “long boring cardio”. Spending hours upon hours on a treadmill or other cardio machine of choice can actually cause you to LOSE lean muscle and GAIN fat.
There is too much of a good thing and that thing is cardio. HIIT workouts do have a major cardio element, as the goal is to complete multiple rounds of a few exercises with little to no breaks, keeping your heartrate elevated until the final timer goes off.

This workout is not only for women
Guys can benefit as well
Fitness Goals
Fat Burning
Body Transformation
Bikini Body
Gain Strength
Core Fitness
Erin Nielsen wants you to focus on your overall lifestyle with her program rather than tracking numbers on a scale. As you work through the program, your body composition will start to change.
Remember, change starts from the inside out so it may be some time before you see the physical results, especially if this is your first try at a fitness regime.
However, as your body changes so will your energy and mood, motivating you to keep on pushing! Toned in Ten will help those who are looking for a healthy lifestyle makeover, but do not have hours to spend because of a fast-paced schedule. This includes goals of losing weight, toning, building lean muscle, and learning how to fuel your body with the best nutrients.
Single Vs Group
- Alone
- With a buddy
The best accessory is a friend! Because the workouts are short and sweet, you can take them anywhere. Work out at home, at the office, or get your friends together for smoothies and a sweat session. With Toned in Ten, the possibilities are endless!
Oftentimes, those who are new to working out prefer to be alone in the comfort of their own home. This program makes that possible. If you already have a gym membership, you can take your e-book with you and work out in an empty space.
Who knows, maybe you will find you prefer to work out at the park or in your living room. You can ditch the fitness facility fee and put your money into a different aspect of your newly found lifestyle.
Workout Location
- At home workout program only
- Outdoors
- Can be done anywhere

Pick a workout time and place
And get started
Workout Equipment
- No - uses only body weight
Accessories (not required)
The best thing about Toned in Ten is the simplicity of its accessories. Even though it is an at-home workout program, it does not require you to own any gym equipment. If you take a look at the Video Workouts, you will notice that Erin uses a yoga mat as well as a chair and a timer. All of these are optional and really come down to personal preference.
A yoga mat simply adds a little extra padding if you are working outside or on a hard surface. The chair is only used if you find you need a little extra stability on an exercise, but you can achieve the same modification by holding on to the wall or a nearby table.
The timer is the main accessory used to track each round of exercise. If you are working out alongside the Video Workouts, Erin keeps track of the time so you do not need to worry. If you decide to work out alone, you will need a timer, which these days is almost guaranteed to be an application on your smartphone.
- 3-5 times per week

With no equipment or workout fees
You’ll have extra money for the things you love
- Follow the program most of the times to get results
How this program works for you is entirely in your hands. Because it is meant to be a lifestyle, it is flexible. If you are consistent over time, you will get great results and not feel as though a workout and diet plan is taking over your entire life. If you miss some days or decide to indulge at that weekend BBQ, it will not throw you off track.
Every person who tries Toned in Ten will be starting at their own individual pace and level. This does not mean the workout will be the same for everyone and those who are beginners will struggle and those who are advanced will quit out of boredom.
The beauty of the program is the flexibility to work at the speed you need. For beginners, Erin both describes the modifications in the written workout as well as on the videos. Even if you are not a beginner, but perhaps have a chronic injury like knee pain, Erin suggests that your range of motion become smaller until you are feeling up to the task. For those more advanced, you are able to kick up the speed and take less breaks between rounds.
HIIT workouts using your own body weight are awesome because you do not need any equipment. But how do you advance to the next level without any physical weights? When you walk around a gym you see people adding more and more plates to their barbells as they look for a bigger challenge.
How does that work with Toned in Ten? The answer: progressive overload. In other words, gradually increasing the intensity of any given exercise over time. There are three ways to create the progressive overload effect in a HIIT bodyweight workout.
1) Increase training frequency. Since the workouts only take ten minutes, try
doubling up.
- 2) Decrease rest time. The less rest you take between rounds, the higher your
heart rate will rise and a higher EPOC (after-burn) will be achieved.
- 3) Increase resistance. Some exercises can be performed with free weights to add resistance. Another way to increase this would be to try the more advanced positions Erin describes.
An example of progressive overload is a pushup. The modified version would be in a position with the knees on the ground. To increase intensity you can advance to a full pushup with straight legs lifted off the ground or advance to more repetitions. The idea of progressive overload keeps your body guessing and does not allow plateaus.
Your body must adapt to the new conditions, creating continuous progress. By working out in this way, combined with sticking to the Toned in Ten nutrition guide, you will be seeing results in no time.
Optimal Diet Options
- Diet changes required: Yes
Erin Nielsen is transparent when speaking about nutrition. In Chapter 5 of her e-book Defy Aging and Reshape Your Body with 10 Minute at Home Bodyweight Workouts, she describes how the fitness industry is a multi- billion-dollar business, often boasting workouts and nutrition plans that give you fast results, but are not sustainable or simply do not work at all.
The opinions on fitness and nutrition vastly vary from person to person and Erin puts this argument to rest. Calorie counting does not work. A calorie is a calorie no matter what. It is WHAT the calorie is made up of that counts.
The body needs protein, carbs, and fats. There are good and bad versions of each and most people tend to eat too many processed foods. People gain weight because they are constantly eating more food than the body needs. All of that extra food ends up being stored as fat. The key is to identify what foods are causing a negative effect on your body. This is where Erin comes in.
Following the Toned in Ten Nutrition Guide, Erin promises that you will easily drop 10-20 pounds in a few weeks by only making simple dietary changes. Diet is more important than exercise. After all, we are reminded that “you can’t out-train a bad diet”.
Erin’s plan is based on eating clean, which is another way of saying you will not be eating any processed foods. Now, she does not want you to drive yourself crazy if you are craving a good burger. She follows an 80/20 rule because nobody can be perfect all of the time. Allowing yourself an indulgence here and there cuts back cravings and keeps you from going overboard.
The Nutrition Guide is NOT a crash diet. It is a lifestyle change. When you first dive into the e-book, you will learn more about what makes a “clean” diet. What foods to eat and what types of food to avoid for best results while you follow the program. Erin provides you with a sampling of recipes to mix and match.
While she does not specify any modifications for dietary restrictions, since the ingredients are so simple and clean, vegetarians and vegans can easily use substitutes that are on par with the originals. The Grocery Shopping List included in the package, will help guide you through your trip to the store.
If you are coming off of a poor diet, Erin suggests you slowly ease your way into this new way of eating. Simply start making one change each day, or even each week. Eventually you will work up to a full-blown healthy-eating expert. Again, Toned in Ten aims to be a change for life, not just for a few weeks.
- Supplements Required: No
Erin Nielsen loves superfoods and so should you. A superfood is a food that is especially rich in nutrients. Since many people’s diets are currently made up of junk, there are important nutrients missing that the body is craving.
Superfoods pack these missing nutrients into some of the most unsuspecting places. A few of these nutrient dense additions include CHLORELLA – a type of blue green algae, CACAO – a strong antioxidant and the most-pure form of Vitamin C, and GOJI BERRIES – which hold 15x the iron found in spinach. Toned in Ten includes a handful of suggestions on mixing these and other listed superfoods into your daily diet.
As far as supplements go, Toned in Ten only suggests four.
- Daily Energy – a classic “green drink” in the form of a concentrated powder, considered the “World’s First Premium Superfood Cocktail” and combining ALL superfoods in one place.
- Daily high-potency antioxidant multivitamin
- Omega 3 Fatty Acid Fish Oil
- Probiotics
Supplement Brand
- Supplements Brands Recommended: Yes
Aside from Daily Energy, the multivitamins, fish oil, and probiotics are left as un-named brands or brand of choice. These three are easily found at any of your local drug stores. Supplements are recommended, but not required while you transition into your new lifestyle. They will, however, help you reach your goals. It is stated, however, that if you have medical restrictions, to ALWAYS follow medical advice first.

Workout Program Support
Support Systems
Because Toned in Ten is such a new program, there have not been any forums set up to discuss the programs other than a handful of online reviews from users. However, you can contact Erin directly via her email provided on her website with any questions. You can also find her on Twitter @TonedInTen.
User Testimonials
Taking a look at current reviews, there is a small handful provided on her website, www.tonedintenfitness.com. The reviews are positive and one contains a clear before and after photo. Mainly receiving reviews from women, there is one review from another Certified Personal Trainer that reads:
“As a personal trainer, I’ve noticed most people believe you have to workout for hours to get into shape. However, this program proves them wrong, in only 10 minutes Erin shows you how to get a flat belly with her easy to follow techniques. She gets my endorsements as a trainer and would recommend her program to anybody looking to burn fat without going to a gym or working out forever.” ~ Mauricio H., CPT
Another 44 year old woman says:
“I was skeptical to see if only 10 minutes was enough…After all, I was already used to running on the treadmill and thought that less work would make me get in worse shape. However, in this case less is more and I’m glad I switched over to doing less. I don’t have to worry about always making it to the gym on the days I work late and can finally spend more time with my husband.” ~ Sarah Davila
Other User Testimonials
Since Toned in Ten is a lifestyle makeover program, it will take longer for more user results to be shared. With a quick internet search, you will find some users who have tried the program and are raving, though you will not see any before and after photos aside from the one shared on the program’s website.
From reading, the users agree it is what you put into it that counts. While it does fit into your lifestyle, the more committed you are to your health and fitness regime, the better off you will be and the faster you will see the results. Overall, it seems that the ease of the program will make it a popular choice as the knowledge about it picks up momentum.
Workout Phases Overview
These days, most people spend their days on-the-go, which makes Toned in Ten a perfect fit for this type of lifestyle. In fact, Erin’s suggested calendar even gives you a break on the weekend!
Monday through Friday you will complete a total of five workout sessions. These sessions will alternate between lower body, upper body, and Pilates.
If you recall, Erin is a Certified Pilates Instructor and has chosen to share this skill with you during the program as a break from the HIIT days. Pilates is a low-impact workout designed around strengthening and stretching. Erin’s Pilates Perfect Abs will get your core in shape and stretch out those muscles to prepare for the next HIIT session.
These days, many fitness programs focus only on how hard you can work out and miss the stretching part your body desperately needs. It is wonderful to find a program that inserts this aspect consistently into the routine.
When it comes to the upper and lower body workouts, Erin offers you six options for each.
Upper Body | Lower Body |
1) Flat Belly Fast | 1) Butt and Thigh Sculpt |
2) Sexy Arm Sculpt | 2) Maximum Fat Burn |
3) Gorgeous Shoulder Reshape | 3) Thigh and Butt Fat Blaster |
4) Belly Fat Blaster | 4) Butt Lift |
5) Happy Planking | 5) Step Booty Reshape |
6) Goodbye Jiggle | 6) Love Your Lower Body Sculpt |
Within each of these workouts are five exercises, which you will repeat three times, with as little rest in between rounds as possible. YOU get to pick and choose with upper or lower body you complete. If you find a favorite, you are welcome to focus on it. If there is one you find you really dislike, you never have to complete that one ever again. Erin wants you to actually like and enjoy your workout! With six options for each session, you will be able to customize your workout to your heart’s content.
Erin stresses to TRAIN SAFE. If an exercise hurts: do not do it. If you do not understand how an exercise is done: do not do it. If there is an exercise you are uncomfortable with, swap it out for one you can do comfortably. You are in control. It Is important to listen to your body and take action when it does not feel right. Always remember to consult your doctor if you have an injury to make sure it is safe for you to exercise.
Level Up
Every person who tries Toned in Ten will be starting at their own individual pace and level. This does not mean the workout will be the same for everyone and those who are beginners will struggle and those who are advanced will quit out of boredom. The beauty of the program is the flexibility to work at the speed you need. For beginners, Erin both describes the modifications in the written workout as well as on the videos. Even if you are not a beginner, but perhaps have a chronic injury like knee pain, Erin suggests that your range of motion become smaller until you are feeling up to the task. For those more advanced, you are able to kick up the speed and take less breaks between rounds.
Money Back Guarantee
- Money back guarantee available: Yes
When choosing the right workout program for your needs, cost tends to be the number one factor. Toned in Ten is broken down by Erin to show you how much each part is worth.
$97 Value….Defy Aging and Reshape Your Body with 10 Minute at Home Bodyweight Workouts
$147 Value….Video Workouts
$67 Value….Nutrition Guide
$37 Value….Youthful Secrets
$27 Value….Grocery Shopping List
Who doesn’t love surprise extras?! When you order your Toned in Ten package, you will be happy to receive extra additions to both the workout and nutrition aspects of the program. We are not talking one or two extras. We are talking a whopping EIGHT extras!
1) Tabata Workouts
Tabata is another form of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and can be used when you are working on the progressive overload concept we talked about earlier. With Tabata, you will work out for an intense four minutes using all of your major muscle groups at once. Erin gives you four exercises, which you can arrange in various ways. Alternate between the four with twenty seconds of movement and ten seconds of rest, two times through OR pick one exercise to complete for twenty seconds with ten seconds of rest and repeat it eight times through. There are even more options, which means you will never get bored.
2) Accelerated Fat Loss 1 Week Meal Planner
If you are ready to kick your diet into high gear, check out this one-week program Erin has designed for rapid weight loss. Based around the “3 P’s”: Eat PROTEIN and PRODUCE, Avoid PROCESSED and PACKAGED, the meal plan boasts better skin and energy levels when you come out the other side. This program is NOT for long-term use and if you would like to repeat it, wait at least three weeks.
3) Youth Enhancing Fat Loss Recipes
These easy recipes will help maximize your fat burning potential and give your skin a makeover from any damage caused by poor food choices. With forty-five recipes in all, you will have plenty to keep your taste buds happy. Many of these recipes yield multiple servings, perfect for on-the-go meal planning. Even better, some are paleo and/or gluten free.
4) Top Twenty Anti-Aging Foods
A simple list of foods that fight free radical damage. Free radicals are atoms produced by the body through outside sources such as tobacco smoke or pollutants in the air, that can damage the chemical structure of the cells within the body.
5) Anti-Aging Smoothie Recipes
Used in conjunction with Erin’s favorite protein powder, Primal Fuel by Primal Blueprint, these thirty- five recipes are simply delicious extra additions to your daily meal plan. Erin actually uses smoothies as entire meals in some cases, so make friends with your blender!
6) 72-Hour Radiant Skin Detox
A three-day meal plan, this skin detoxifying program helps to remove toxins responsible for aging skin. Erin suggests combining this detox with the Toned in Ten workouts for best results.
7) Say Goodbye to Cellulite
No matter your size, a considerable number of people have cellulite. Here, Erin describes a list of methods to minimize cellulite, including dry brushing, scrubs, and a special drink of lemon juice and cayenne pepper. Any of these methods mixed into your regular diet and fitness regime claim to work wonders.
8) Youthful Secrets
Since Erin herself looks ten years younger than her actual forty-two, a few youthful secrets from her arsenal are welcome. This e-book lists seventeen ways to reach a youthful glow. One of the major points is gratitude and spending five to ten minutes each day reflecting. This e-book comes advertised with the program.
If you were paying almost $400 for a workout program, you would probably pass. Erin knows this and first offers the program for a low price of $97. However, she runs a special where you receive EVERYTHING for only $19. This includes all of those extras as well. $19 is much more affordable and kinder to the wallet. Also remember, there are no equipment costs since Toned in Ten is an at-home fitness program. Add that to her 60-day money-back guarantee. If you are not happy with your results, Erin will refund your money, no questions asked.
Investing in Diet and Supplements
The only money you may lose out on is from supplements you choose to purchase, but even these do not fall into a high price point. The vitamins Toned in Ten suggests will not cost you more than $20 each and usually last a few months before needing to be replenished.
The suggested superfood green drink, Daily Energy, however, comes with a higher price point of $139.95. Lucky for Toned in Ten users, Erin has partnered with this company and offers a 50% discount, bringing the price down to $69.95. The question at this juncture would be, “How much is your health worth?”. Like most programs, you will only get out of it as much as you put your effort into it.
Monthly Subscription Program
- Has Monthly Subscription Program: No
Should you or shouldn’t you? It is time for a visit to the classic pro/con list. While not every workout is suited for every person based on price point, fitness goals, and lifestyle choices, it is handy to take a look at the pros and cons to decide if it is worth pursuing.
- Low program cost. At almost a $400 value, receiving the entire program along with the seven extras for $19 is an absolute steal.
- No equipment or gym membership needed. All workouts are bodyweight only.
- Simple ways of modifying exercises to be easier or more challenging.
- Workouts are only five days per week, leaving weekends free to catch up from an on-the-go lifestyle.
- Workouts are only ten minutes long.
- The structure of the weekly workouts is easy to follow and customizable.
- Stretching is included every week.
- The nutrition program is suitable for those just starting out or those who already eat clean and need a little extra push or new recipes to try.
- Erin shares her expertise in healthy aging along with workouts and nutrition practices.
- The Daily Energy supplement may be a pricey addition.
- The nutrition program does not give specific suggestions for dietary limitations or preferences.
- There is a lack of community support for users at this time.
- Because the program is so new, there are not enough photo transformations to convince users to try it out.
- This program is designed to combine both workout program and nutrition guide for best results. If you are just focusing on the workout itself, you may not see any results. The same applies if you are just focusing on the nutrition aspects.
The pros here outweigh the cons by about fifty percent. Toned in Ten is easy-to-follow compared to some of the other programs on the market. Erin Nielsen, a true expert in her multiple fields of study, is bubbly in her delivery and truly believes in these lifestyle changes as she personally lives through the methods she presents. Looking at her, you can tell! It is very intriguing to see a program that focuses just as much on anti-aging and healthy skin as it does on working out and nutrition.
This is what will set it apart from other programs in the long run. After all, many people start on a specific journey to get in shape and find themselves caught up in the world of nutrition, which then leads to overall lifestyle changes. Toned in Ten presents all parts to you in one simple, easy to comprehend program. Forget the guesswork. The calendar is provided for you, the recipes are endless, and your energy will surely pick up and drive you to achieve even more.
As lifestyles go, Erin Nielsen’s Toned in Ten is a solid choice. Start small and grow. Your wallet will be happy and workouts will fit into your daily timeline. All the while you will be enjoying delicious recipes. Your new lifestyle begins now!

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