Truly Huge Bodybuilding Program Review
The Truly Huge Bodybuilding Program is a bundle of bodybuilding programs. When you purchase it, you get three different programs along with eleven bonuses, all with the goal of helping you put on muscle quickly.
Why three programs, you ask? Because the same weight-lifting program doesn’t always work for every single person that is looking to gain muscle mass. Keep reading and you won't be disappointed what the author's of this workout program have engineered.
- Duration: 3-12 weeks
- Frequency: 3-5 times per week
- Total Cost:
- Money Back Guarantee
Workout Program AchievementsTop 3 Achievements for Truly Huge Bodybuilding Program
- 1 for Muscle Building Workout Plans
- 2 for All Time Best Workouts
- 3 for Workout Plans For Men
- Building Muscle
- Fat Burning
- Body Transformation
- Gain Strength
- Core Fitness
Introducing the Truly Huge Bodybuilding Program by Paul Becker
The first manual in Truly Huge contains an exercise and diet program. Called “The Bio-Genetic Muscle Gain Program,” it was written specifically for men who know firsthand what the term “hardgainer” means. These men are typically looking to build significant muscle mass, often in a short period of time. There are three parts to this program: training, nutrition, and supplements.
The second manual, “A Genetically Average Joe’s Guide to Building Muscle While Losing Fat: How to Transform Your Body Into a Fat-Burning Machine” is written for the average person. If your goal is to lose fat while maintaining – or even adding – muscle at the same time, this intermediate to advanced program will be the one for you. It consists of training, nutrition, and supplementation protocols.
The third program, “Genetically Average Joe’s Hyper Growth Volume Training: The Secrets to Building Maximum Muscle Mass!” is also for the genetically average person. This time, the sole focus is on building serious muscle mass in a fairly unconventional manner. Even though the training part of the manual breaks up the workouts into bodybuilder body part type sessions this method, used by some bodybuilding competitors in the mid-1900s, might be the key for someone who has struggled in the past to gain muscle mass. There are no specific diet guidelines in this program.
In addition, you’ll receive 11 bonuses, some of which include protein shake recipes, information on supplements, software programs to help you monitor your progress, and other write-ups and short term guides that will help you stay motivated and accelerate your results.
Bryan Kernan, author of “The Bio-Genetic Muscle Gain Program”, is a professional training and fitness consultant who has worked with over 10,000 bodybuilders around the world.
He’s also studied the supplement industry and written two other books on it and fitness.
Dan Gallapoo aka “Doberman Dan,” is the author of the Genetically Average Joe manuals. Looking to add muscle mass himself, he researched Russian and German training techniques and combined them with nutrition and training secrets from old-school bodybuilders like Frank Zane, Larry Scott, and their predecessor, Vince Gironda.
Dan admired the physiques these men had built without the use of steroids.
These programs were written in the late 1990s when fitness ebooks were just starting to appear on the internet. Although the website format and program PDFs are outdated in style, the programs cover all the bases of natural bodybuilding.
Plus, these programs continue to sell. There will always be individuals – men and women – who are looking to put on muscle mass. And Bryan and Dan have both achieved incredible results themselves and with their clients by using these training methods.
If you’re looking for a way to build muscle mass without the use of anabolic steroids, the three manuals in the Truly Huge package are full of invaluable information and a great place to start.

See what 2 fitness experts created
With the Truly Huge Bodybuilding Program
Program Duration
- 3-12 weeks
Two of these programs are intended to be 12 weeks long and the third is a method of training that can be done indefinitely.
“The Bio-Genetic Muscle Gain Program” lasts for 12 weeks, and is suitable for beginners. It includes a two week introductory phase in which all participants prepare their bodies for the remaining ten weeks.
“A Genetically Average Joe’s Guide to Building Muscle While Losing Fat” is also 12 weeks long. It is not a beginner program. The focus of this program is mainly on diet and should not be used for a longer period of time than the intended 12 weeks.
The “Genetically Average Joe’s Hyper Growth Volume Training” program is written in a two week cycle that you can repeat indefinitely. The author of the program believes that a variety of training programs are good for the body.
His program is just one of many that a person can use for 10 weeks before taking a well-deserved 7 to 14 day break.
- Website
Once you purchase the manuals, you will have lifetime access to the Truly Huge online download area.
These manuals are only available online. To access the manuals, you will need a computer and a printer. Each manual contains training logs for you to print off and record your data. You can also access each manual on your phone or tablet.
There are short video tutorials for each of the exercises in manual 1. You will need to click the link in order to view the video and written instructions for each individual exercise.
The first manual is the longest at 176 pages of content. Not everyone likes to read books on a screen and it’s not always ideal to bring your device into the gym so printing off the workouts is highly recommended.
The other two manuals are 38 and 75 pages each.

Enjoy lifetime access to the plan
So results last
Gender Focus – Male
This program has been designed specifically for men since men are typically more likely than women to want to add muscle mass. And, if the titles of the last two manuals are any indication, these programs are for the average Joe, not Jane.
Although women will be able to add lean muscle using the protocols in the program, they will not see gains as significant as a man due to the difference in male and female hormones.
Age Group
- => 20 years but
- => 30 years but
- => 40 years but
- => 50 years but
The three manuals in the Truly Huge muscle building package are not exclusive when it comes to age group. Men of all ages can do any one of these programs if they have the desire to do so.
You will need to be old enough to have a gym membership and you will need to be mobile enough to do the various exercises in the programs. None of the programs contain extremely difficult exercises that would require a high level of athleticism.
Any man, regardless of age, who wants to significantly increase his muscle mass will be able to do any of these three programs.
Body Type (BMI) Fit
- Under-Weight (Body Mass Index
- Normal-Weight (Body Mass Index 18.5 to 24.9)
- Over-Weight (Body Mass Index 25 to 29.9)
Regardless of your current body type – whether underweight, normal or overweight – you can still have the desire to put on muscle. And there’s nothing wrong with that, if you’re doing it naturally, without the use of steroids.
Each of the three programs included in the Truly Huge download area are likely to appeal to men with different body types and potentially, different goals.
If you take a look at the Body Mass Index chart, a man who has an index below 18.5 is considered underweight and may be labelled as a “hardgainer.”
A normal weight man will have a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9.
Both the underweight and the average man may have a hard time putting on muscle. A man with this body type is likely to be more interested in the first program, “The Bio-Genetic Muscle Gain Program” or the third program, “Genetically Average Joe’s Hyper Growth Volume Training Program.”
An overweight man may have a BMI of over 25, although men who do have lots of muscle will also have a high BMI reading, even though they have a low percentage of bodyfat. If you’re reading this, chances are you’re looking to build some muscle and lose some fat.
The second program, “A Genetically Average Joe’s Guide to Building Muscle While Losing Fat,” will appeal to the man who has a difficult time keeping their hard-earned muscle while losing fat.
Exercise Type(s)
- Weights
The Truly Huge programs are based primarily on weight lifting and nutrition. For now, we’ll discuss only the exercise portions included in each manual.
“The Bio-Genetic Muscle Gain Program” consists of basic weightlifting exercises. The author, Bryan Kernan, is convinced that compound movements such as squats and deadlifts are the most effective exercises that will help you put on muscle mass. He believes that these compound exercises release the highest amounts of testosterone and human growth hormone which, when combined with the ideal diet and supplements, are capable of building serious muscle mass.
Each workout in “The Bio-Genetic Muscle Gain Program” is intended to be under 45 minutes long. Each of the three phases has it’s own style of programming.
“A Genetically Average Joe’s Guide to Building Muscle While Losing Fat” includes three weightlifting routines and also a cardio component recommendation, suggested for health reasons only. Men looking to compete on stage will require more cardio for extra fat burning.
The author, Dan Gallapoo, says that this training routine is not for beginners. The workouts include basic exercises that focus on heavy, compound movements that are meant to help you get stronger as you progressively increase the intensity, session to session.
Each workout focuses on two or three body parts – one leg workout, one chest and arms workout, and one back and shoulders workout. No specific cardio workout is given.
The “Genetically Average Joe’s Hyper Growth Volume Training” manual calls for four different, body split, weightlifting routines. This manual includes sample routines to show you how to create your own workout. There is no specific workout given for each day, only a body part that you will need to target.

Love working out with weights
Then this workout is for you
Fitness Goals
Building Muscle
Fat Burning
Body Transformation
Gain Strength
Core Fitness
The key health and fitness goal the programs included in the Truly Huge downloads are building muscle. You will also burn fat, strengthen your core, and transform your body with any of these three workout programs.
While all of the workouts in the Truly Huge bundle include gym workouts with similar weight lifting exercises, each of the programs uses a different range of sets, reps, supersets, singles, and circuits to build muscle mass.
With “The Bio-Genetic Muscle Gain Program,” Bryan Kernan uses a combination of gym workouts, nutrition, and supplements to help you put on large amounts of muscle in a short period of time; up to 35 pounds of muscle in 12 weeks. His strategic workouts, strict macro counting customized for your specific body type, meal frequency, specific supplement cycling system, protein shakes, and most importantly, rest and recovery days, will work together to quickly add muscle mass to your frame.
In “A Genetically Average Joe’s Guide to Building Muscle While Losing Fat,” author Dan Gallapoo uses a different nutrition plan which cycles you through five days of high protein and high fat dieting followed by two higher carb days. The three workouts included require you to keep adding intensity by increasing either your reps or your weight each week.
He recommends two natural supplements which help increase your strength and lean muscle mass while burning fat and stabilizing your blood sugar levels.
Lastly, “Genetically Average Joe’s Hyper Growth Volume Training” introduces you to high volume workouts coupled with a positive mindset and plenty of recuperation and sleep. Two things are important in volume training: time and form. The key is to increase how many slow reps you lift – at a weight that is not necessarily your max weight – in a muscle-group-specific set time.
Single Vs Group
- Alone
- With a buddy
This workout can be done alone or with a partner.
This is not a group program since it would be difficult for a gym to accommodate several users at once due to equipment needs.
The main advantage to having a program you can do alone is that you never have to wait for someone else. You can workout on your own schedule and you’re typically done with your workout sooner.
But, if a workout buddy is what motivates you to keep showing up at the gym then make it a partner workout. Hopefully your workout partner lifts the same amount of weight as you do, especially on the barbell so putting on and taking off plates between sets isn’t a time-consuming hassle.
Workout Location
- Offered at Gym/Fitness Studio only
Each of the three programs in the Truly Huge download area have been designed exclusively for the gym. These workouts include exercises that require specific equipment that most people don’t have the money or physical space for.
If you were to adapt any of these workouts for home use, you may not get the results the authors of these program promise. Home workouts done with less than ideal equipment typically mean you’ll be lifting less weight.
A lack of certain machines might mean a specific muscle group will not be worked as effectively as it would be in the gym.

Workout with a buddy
Or choose to go solo
Workout Equipment
- Yes - equipment that needs set up and not portable
The workouts in all three of the manuals in Truly Huge require equipment that you’ll be able to find in most gyms.
Most people are unlikely to have the specific equipment required for the various exercises in their homes, and it would be expensive to buy all of it. If you purchased all the equipment, it would take up a lot of room.
You will require:
- a variety of dumbbells
- a barbell with weight plates
- a squat rack
- a chin-up bar
- incline, decline, and flat benches
- pulleys for back, shoulder, and arm work
- leg extension machine
- leg curl machine
- leg press machine
- hack squat machine
- parallel bars for dips
- seated and standing calf raise machines
- preacher curl bench
- EZ-curl bar
- decline ab board
The hack squat machine is one of the least common pieces of equipment. If your gym doesn’t have a hack squat machine, you have three options: a barbell hack squat behind the legs, a leg press machine or a combination of front squats and deadlifts will train the same muscles targeted by the hack squat.
Accessories (not required)
The “Bio-Genetics” program contains two book recommendations and one measuring device.
Bryan Kernan recommends “The Complete Book of Food Counts” for mapping out your macro-specific food plan. The link provided in the program doesn’t work but the 9th edition of the text is available on Amazon.
The second book Kernan recommends is called “Muscle Mechanics” by Everett Aaberg. It also contains a dead link but a newer, second edition is also available on Amazon. It’s useful for those who do not know how to perform the exercises correctly.
Lastly, Kernan recommends having an accu-measure body fat caliper to determine your body fat, as well as your lean body percentage. Calipers can be a useful tool to determine whether or not your body fat is decreasing. Bodyfat calipers are available on Amazon.
Dan Gallapoo, author of the The “Genetically Average Joe” programs suggests purchasing a carb counting book for his fat loss, muscle gain program since he recommends a high fat, high protein, low carb diet.
He also supplies a list of recommended books that refer to goal setting, attitude and success, along with other books that relate to his fitness and nutrition programs.
- 3-5 times per week
Each of the three programs in Truly Huge has it’s own workout frequency.
The “Bio-Genetics” program requires beginners to train 3 days a week for the first 2 weeks. After that, you train a maximum of 4 days a week for the remainder of the program making sure that you take one day of rest in between each workout.
In “A Genetically Average Joe’s Guide to Building Muscle While Losing Fat” program, you will be required to train 3 to 4 days a week with a minimum of 1 day of rest between workouts. If you need to, take two days off after the leg day.
The “Genetically Average Joe Hyper Growth Volume” program has a two week cycle. During week 1, you will perform 5 consecutive workouts a week, then take a 2 day break. In week 2, you will train every other day for a total of 3 workouts during the second week. You will repeat the cycle for the entire training quarter.

The three progressive workout programs
Will help you build muscle and keep it
- Follow required program regime strictly to get results
“The Bio-Genetic Muscle Gain Program” is a very regimented program. With detailed workouts, a tightly calculated nutrition plan and a strict supplement schedule, everything is given to you in detail. You shouldn’t have any questions about what you should or should not do after you read through the extensive manual.
“A Genetically Average Joe’s Guide to Building Muscle while Losing Fat” contains a regimented nutrition plan and three detailed workouts. Even though the carb counts are strict, you are not limited in calories. As far as supplements go, there are no hard and fast recommendations you need to adhere to.
In the “Genetically Average Joe’s Hyper Growth Volume Training,” the only thing you need to worry about is following the body part specific workout recommendations for the eight workouts in the two week cycle. Aside from that, there are no specific workouts included, only instructions on how to create your own workouts for optimal results.
In “The Bio-Genetic Muscle Gain Program,” you have a two week beginner phase included at the start of the 12 week program. Everyone starts with this beginner phase, and you can choose your intensity by selecting the appropriate weight for your fitness level.
“A Genetically Average Joe’s Guide to Building Muscle While Losing Fat” program is not a beginner program. If you are new to working out, Dan Gallapoo suggests you do one of his other “Average Joe” programs. He also asks that you continually increase the intensity from week to week, either by adding weight or reps to your workouts.
In “The Average Joe’s Hyper Growth Volume Training” method you really can work at your own level. Since Dan suggests reducing your weight for his volume-lifting protocol, claiming it’s easier on your joints, tendons and ligaments, this workout allows you to choose not only your own weights but also your own exercises.
Optimal Diet Options
- Diet changes required: Yes
“The Bio-Genetic Muscle Gain Program” has a strict, detailed nutrition plan for the user.
The book contains a formula that takes into consideration the user’s individual body type. After you use the calipers to estimate your body fat/lean mass percentage, you’ll be walked through a specific method that will help you calculate your individual macronutrient requirements.
Food lists for appropriate protein, carbohydrate and fat sources are included. For three of the six recommended meals each day, you will have a protein shake. The other three meals will be real food. Meal tracking sheets are provided to help you map out 30 days of the right calorie and macro counts.
The benefit to this strict diet plan is that you will never need to question what to eat and you’ll also be eating off a plan that is based on your own body. You’re unlikely to go hungry when you’re on this diet. To build muscle, you’ll typically need to eat a fair amount of food. And six protein, carb and fat balanced meals a day should keep you adequately satisfied.
“A Genetically Average Joe’s Guide to Building Muscle While Losing Fat” embraces Dr. Robert Atkins’ low carb diet. Like the infamous cardiologist, the author of “Genetically Average Joe’s” believes that a high carb diet is bad for your health and counterproductive for fat loss.
If you’re building muscle while losing fat, you’ll be required to count carbs for the duration of the program. The good news is that you won’t need to count anything else – not protein, fat or calories. You will also have some very low carb days and some more moderate carbs days.
A list of approved foods that are high fat and protein-rich is included. These foods are available to you with no quantity limits on them.
In “Genetically Average Joe’s Hyper Growth Volume Training,” there are no diet recommendations aside from avoiding alcohol because it interferes with your sleep.
There are more nutritional guidance and supplement information included in the eleven bonuses you can download along with the rest of the Truly Huge bundle.
- Supplements Required: Yes
Two of the three programs in the Truly Huge bundle have supplement recommendations.
“The Bio-Genetic Muscle Gain Program” has very detailed supplement guidelines. You will need protein powder in order to help you meet the high protein requirements required to build muscle. A specific brand of oil is also suggested for your fat source. You will add this to your three daily protein shakes.
And lastly, you’ll use two additional supplements to help you pack on muscle incredibly fast: Andro-Shock and Ecdy-Bolin. Bryan Kernan guarantees that people will be convinced you’re taking steroids. Andro-shock contains several naturally occurring derivatives that will give your body a huge testosterone boost. Ecdy-Bolin contains a natural steroid that was discovered in the former Soviet Union. It helps build lean muscle mass while also providing other health benefits to your entire body without any negative side effects.
You will make your shakes with protein powder and use oil as your fat source for three of your six daily meals. Other optional supplements included in the manual are
- Branch Chain Amino Acids,
- Nitrobol Amino Acids,
- and a creatine cycling protocol.
“A Genetically Average Joe’s Guide to Building Muscle While Losing Fat” program asks you to take a basic multi-vitamin/mineral supplement. A high quality milk and egg protein powder is also required.
Additional information on creatine monohydrate is included if you want to use it. Creatine is proven to boost your strength and lean muscle weight without increasing your body fat.
Another supplement recommended in the Genetically Average Joe muscle building fat loss program is Chromium Picolinate. It stabilizes your blood sugars and helps burn fat.
Supplement Brand
- Supplements Brands Recommended: Yes
Recommended protein powder brands for the Bio-Genetics program include Biotrust, HDT, and ISS Research Pro. Not all of the links to purchase these products work but similar products with these brand names are available on Amazon.
If protein powder doesn’t agree with you, you can try Nitrobol amino acids. They are predigested and fully absorbed within half an hour. You can find them on the Truly Huge website.
The oil recommended as a fat source is Udo’s Choice. It no longer comes in the format described in the book but there are other varieties available online and in stores.
Dan Gallapoo recommends Blair’s protein powder for his Genetically Average Joe muscle building, fat loss program. However, it is not available anymore. You can purchase a similar protein powder.
Look for a low carb, high fat protein powder made from egg, with or without milk, and additional digestive enzymes.

Workout Program Support
The Truly Huge website has an open online forum where you can submit your questions to website founder, Paul Becker.
The website also has a Chat Room, not included in the purchase of the program. You can also email directly from the website when you click the “Contact” tab on the side menu.
For “Bio-Genetics” customer support, you can use the email address provided to ask the author, Bryan Kernan, all your questions and comments. Paul Becker also provides an email address where you can contact him.
There is no information on contacting Dan Gallapoo, author of the “Genetically Average Joe” programs.
There is a Truly Huge page on Facebook called “Truly Huge Bodybuilding and Fitness”. It has 275-390 likes/followers and very minimal activity.
The Twitter account that is linked from The Truly Huge homepage has not been updated since June, 2016. The Facebook links provided on the website’s home page connects to Paul Becker’s personal Facebook profile as well as an inactive MySpace page.
User Testimonials
Other User Testimonials
Does the name, “Lee Hayward” ring a bell? Lee Hayward had a remarkable transformation, going from skinny to overweight to muscular, with the same training methods recommended by Bryan Kernan. In fact, Lee and Bryan have co-written programs together since the initial release of “The Bio-Genetic Muscle Gain Program.” These men have both had personal experience with transforming their bodies. Lee Hayward continues to run his fitness and bodybuilding website.
Dan Gallapoo, also known as “Doberman Dan” in the online world, is known for his various programs that help men put on muscle mass. Other online fitness professionals such as Nick Nilsson from The Mad Scientist of Muscle (formerly BetterU), Mike Westerdal of Critical Bench, and Ben Tatar, powerlifting, strongman competitor, and online fitness writer, sing Dan’s praises.
Many other top level athletes and competitors both in sport and bodybuilding events have used Dan’s method to build large amounts of muscles including, a Pro BMX biker, a Canadian Olympic weightlifter and a powerlifter, just to name a few.
Dan’s success has come because he based his workout programs on the tried and true methods of successful former Mr. Olympians and old school bodybuilders such as Vince Gironda, Frank Zane and Larry Scott. These men achieved stunning results without using illegal steroids or drugs.
Paul Becker is the man behind Truly Huge and the guy who put this bundle of programs together. He continues to provide the muscle building training and nutrition theories used by Dan and Bryan.
Workout Phases Overview
Since there are three unique programs in the Truly Huge bundle, there will be three brief descriptions of each one’s workout phases.
“The Bio-Genetic Muscle Gain Program” Workout Levels
This program is intended for hardgainers, as the author Bryan Kernan describes himself.
After trying the muscle magazine workouts for several years, and seeing no change in his physique, Brian discovered that magazine workouts lead to overtraining, especially in hardgainers. Therefore, the program he’s designed has relatively short workouts – 45 minutes or less – and includes adequate rest periods in between workouts with no more than four sessions a week.
Phase 1 of The Bio-Genetic program starts with a two week beginner phase. This phase is called “Preparation for Adaptation.” Brian has grouped two exercises together into supersets. You will repeat the same full body weightlifting routine three times a week for the full two weeks of phase 1.
Phase 2 is called “Muscle Growth Acceleration.” In this five week phase, you will train four times a week, with one day of rest between workouts. There are two workouts you will alternate between – an upper body workout and a lower body one. Once again, the exercises are paired together into supersets.
The last phase is called “Massive Testosterone Release.” You will keep up with four workouts per week for the final five weeks of the Bio-Genetic Muscle Gain program. Once again, you will alternate between two workouts. This time, the workouts do not include supersets. Instead, they each include a 4 or 5 exercise circuit.
“A Genetically Average Joe’s Guide to Building Muscle While Losing Fat” Workout Levels
The first of Dan Gallapoo’s training programs came after he had followed a fat loss one that caused him to lose muscle mass, along with the body fat he wanted! So he designed this program for someone who has fat to lose but doesn’t want to risk losing any of their hard-earned muscle.
Paired with a high fat, low carb diet, his 12-week intermediate to advanced program has helped men increase their lean muscle mass by 10-15% while simultaneously decreasing their body fat levels. Building muscle while losing fat can be tricky, but Dan has seemed to crack the code.
The basic principle of the “Genetically Average Joe’s Guide to Building Muscle while Losing Fat” plan revolves around training the entire body through three body split workouts a week. Workout 1 will hit your legs; workout 2 is for chest and arms; and workout 3 targets the back and shoulders. One or two days of rest after each workout is imperative for muscle repair and growth.
There are no specific phases in this program. Training logs are provided to help you track the specifics of your workouts, including which exercises you’re doing, how much weight you’re lifting and for how many reps and sets performed. The goal of this 12-week program is to always increase the number of reps or the amount of weight you use each week.
“Genetically Average Joe’s Hyper Growth Volume Training”
This volume training program is very unique. First of all, Dan Gallapoo instructs you to never train to failure. While many programs today tell you to reduce your reps and sets, increase the weight and train to failure, this program is based on the premise that volume, not intensity, is the key to hypertrophy.
The Hyper Growth Volume Training program teaches you why and how increasing the workload within each time frame causes muscle growth. With volume training, you will be trying to complete as many proper reps and sets possible for each body part.
Each muscle group has a maximum training time. You won’t start off at the maximum amount of time; instead you’ll work up to the max. When you begin the program, you will keep rest periods between sets under 90 seconds. Your goal is to create a continuous workload. Over time, you’ll gradually increase your volume with shorter rest periods.
Although sample routines are included, you have the option of designing your own workouts based on the author’s recommendations.
Money Back Guarantee
- Money back guarantee available: Yes
The Truly Huge sales page provides a money back guarantee. They ask that you try the weight lifting programs for a full 8 weeks before you decide whether or not the programs work for you.
If you do not get results, you can then ask for your money back. When you purchase this program, you’ll go through ClickBank, a well known online sales platform that handles the purchase of thousands of online fitness programs. With ClickBank, you have a 60 day period to request a refund.
Investing in Diet and Supplements
“The Bio-Genetic Muscle Gain Program” is meant to grow muscle mass. Up to 35 pounds of muscle in 12 weeks. Building muscle is hard work for your body and your diet will reflect that. For maximum results, you will need to eat a high calorie, high protein diet and you’ll also need to invest in some protein powder and supplements. If you want to build muscle, you’ll need to pay the cost.
“A Genetically Average Joe’s Guide to Building Muscle while Losing Fat” diet and supplement regime will cost slightly less than the Bio-Genetic program. You’ll be subsisting on a high fat and high protein diet along with a high quality protein powder.
With the “Genetically Average Joe Hyper Growth Volume Training Program,” there are no specific diet or supplement recommendations. However, if you’re looking to gain muscle mass, your calorie intake will likely need to increase and you may see a jump in your grocery bill. Even though there are no diet recommendations, it would be wise to choose a high protein diet and eat whole foods.
Monthly Subscription Program
- Has Monthly Subscription Program: No
The Truly Huge bundle gives you three complete workout programs that are designed to help you gain muscle mass, each in a different way. One program focuses more on supplements as well as proper recovery. The second program deals mainly with diet. The last program concentrates on high volume training protocols.
Two of these programs are exactly twelve weeks long; the other program runs on a two week cycle that can be used for three months at a time. You also receive eleven free bonuses to help you maximize your results. Considering you get nine months of programming for the cost of $55 USD, that’s a pretty fair deal.
While we don’t love the extreme nature of the two program’s diet and supplement regimes, we do acknowledge that building muscle can be incredibly difficult for some people; hence the term, “hardgainer.”
For men who are willing to commit to an extreme diet/supplement approach, they will likely find the financial and psychological sacrifice worth it. However, you need to have a maintenance plan in your back pocket that you can gradually transition to if you’re going to undertake the Bio-Genetic or Genetically Average Joe high fat, high protein, low carb diet. For most people, these diet and supplement regimes will not be sustainable for life.
As far as the workouts go, all three programs include well-balanced muscle building plans. The fact that each program talks about the importance of rest and recovery is reassuring. Following an extreme eating plan is hard enough but to pair it with an extreme workout regime is often a recipe for disaster. However, none of these programs goes too far with training frequency.
Even though these programs are slightly dated, they contain a lot of good information about muscle building and the science behind it from a natural body-building approach. Since both of the authors themselves were “hard gainers,” they took time to do their research before developing programs that worked for them. Since they decided to take even more time to write out their muscle-building theories shows great dedication to their beliefs.
If you’re looking to increase your muscle mass and you’re willing to work hard for 3 months at a time, the Truly Huge bundle gives you a variety of programs and bonuses that are sure to change your body, if you trust the process. With their 60 day ClickBank money back guarantee, you really have nothing at all to lose.