Truth About Cellulite Review
Joey Atlas is a man on a mission. With two degrees, including a Masters in Exercise Physiology from Long Island University, Joey has committed his life to helping women look and feel better about their bodies.His official title? He calls himself a Woman's Body Enhancement Specialist.
The Truth About Cellulite is the result of his twenty-three-plus years in the fitness industry. This simple exercise program guarantees not a drastic reduction, but complete victory in the war against cellulite.
- Duration: 3-12 weeks
- Frequency: 3-5 times per week
- Total Cost:
- Money Back Guarantee
Workout Program AchievementsTop 3 Achievements for Truth About Cellulite
- 2 for Workout Plans For Beginners
- 4 for Workout Plans For Women
- 10 for Body Weight Workout Plans
- Body Transformation
Introducing the Truth About Cellulite by Joey Atlas
Check out the title page of his program: Cellulite gone in 28 days, guaranteed.
Joey is not a newbie to fitness. During his career, he’s worked in various gyms across the United States His clients include executives from Pepsi and the PGA plus women from 193 countries around the world.
Joey is also a real human being. After struggling with personal relationships and nearly burning himself out in the rat race that is the normal fitness career hustle, Joey took a step back and made himself – and his health – his number one priority. In 2010, he gave up the traditional fitness studio career and became an online fitness guru, selling his products and services in the cyberworld.
Just recently, in 2016, he opened up a new studio. A fitness facility that is the basis of all of his years of experience. It teaches the methods Joey has become famous for. He calls it the Symulast method, also known as Naked Beauty. Symulast is the method he uses to help women banish the cellulite in their legs, thighs, hips, and buns.
The workout program, Truth About Cellulite, has been available since 2008. And since it’s release, Joey has also started a podcast, blog, TV fitness channel and he offers a free online fitness training program based on his unique methods.
The Truth About Cellulite is a home workout program that helps women banish their cellulite. It seems incredible to imagine that it is possible to get rid of cellulite without chemicals, creams, special diets, pills, or tools. Joey not only claims it is possible to eliminate cellulite from your lower body, he also calls “fraud” on all the other cellulite products that women often waste their money on.
So, how in the world did he discover the secret to eliminating cellulite? His program doesn’t give any details on how he came to be a women’s body enhancement specialist but we do know that with the 60-day money back guarantee, he is a man of integrity.

You can eliminate cellulite with
The Truth About Cellulite
Program Duration
- 3-12 weeks
Due to the nature of cellulite, there is no end to this program. But that doesn’t mean you have to do it forever. There is good news!
The first four weeks of the Truth About Cellulite program are when you are likely to notice the biggest changes in the appearance of your cellulite. Joey Atlas says that within the first 10 days, you will be able to notice changes in your lower body as the skin begins to tighten and lift.
In fact, the program guarantees that within 28 days your lower body cellulite will be gone!
You will continue on with the program until you have achieved the results you want. After that, you will move on to the maintenance phase of the program which you will want to continue indefinitely so that you stay cellulite-free.
- Website
- Printed Materials
After purchasing the program, you will be directed to the Truth About Cellulite website where you will login to access all of the program information. You will have lifetime access to the website.
The two main cellulite-eliminating workouts for the lower body are available in written and picture format on PDF’s that you can download and print off. These same workouts are also in video format that you can follow along with as you learn the different exercises. The online videos also contain important tips on form so don’t skip watching them.
Both the master workout schedule and the cardio workouts are available as a PDF only.
Two shorter workouts for arms and stomach are available only on online video; there are no written PDF’s for these workouts.
Two more full body workout videos, each approximately 30 minutes long, are also available only in online video format.
For an additional cost, you can upgrade to a printed book and hard copy DVD which will be mailed to you.

You can be cellulite free
For life
Gender Focus – Female
This program is designed specifically for women.
According to PubMed, 85-98% of women have cellulite. The percentage of men who have cellulite is dramatically lower, at only about 10%.
Exactly why women tend to have so much more cellulite than men is unclear. But Joey tells you what exactly the cause of cellulite is. He believes that cellulite is the reduction of tension in the skin because the muscles underneath are not stimulated properly and therefore shrink, also known as atrophy. That shrinkage produces the puckering you see as cellulite’s bumps, dimples, uneven skin, and shadows.
When you effectively stimulate all of the muscles in the lower body through his unique method, the skin gradually begins to change and tighten and cellulite naturally disappears.
Even if you lose weight, you don’t necessarily reduce the appearance of cellulite. So while some very thin women can have lots of cellulite, other women who are heavier may have hardly any at all.
The Truth About Cellulite workout program gives you the secret to getting rid of the lower body cellulite that is bothering you!
Age Group
- => 20 years but
- => 30 years but
- => 40 years but
- => 50 years but
- => 60 years old
This program will work for women of all ages.
Women of all ages have cellulite. However, it’s appearance does tend to increase as we age and estrogen levels naturally decrease. Estrogen levels have a direct effect on the health and appearance of a woman’s skin.
That being said, any woman who hates or avoids uncovering her lower body because she is self-conscious about cellulite will benefit from this program. It doesn’t matter if she is 18 or 68 years old, this easy-to-use, 8 exercise, home workout plan can be done by anyone with the ability to move and the desire to change their body.
Body Type (BMI) Fit
- Under-Weight (Body Mass Index
- Normal-Weight (Body Mass Index 18.5 to 24.9)
- Over-Weight (Body Mass Index 25 to 29.9)
- Obese (Body Mass Index 30 to 34.9)
- Extremely Obese (Body Mass Index => 35)
The Truth About Cellulite program can work for any type of woman who wants to lift, tighten, and tone her lower body, regardless of body mass index. Because, as we now know, the appearance of cellulite is not determined by how much – or how little – you weigh.
An overweight woman can reduce the appearance of her cellulite. So can a fitness trainer who works out at a gym.
It doesn’t matter if you are overweight, underweight, obese, or average, all that you need to do this program is a body that moves and a 20 to 30 minute chunk of time, three or four times a week.
Exercise Type(s)
- Body Weight
The Truth About Cellulite program uses impact body weight exercises that may at first glance seem very simple.
Although it is not a muscle building program, you will get stronger, especially if you’re new to regular exercise. And even though this is not an aerobics or a challenging cardiovascular workout, you will probably break a sweat and increase your heart rate.
It’s hard to believe that these fairly simple, common exercises can actually change the appearance of your lower body. But Joey Atlas claims they can. So do the women he’s worked with during his years as a trainer, as well as the dedicated users of his various online programs.
Joey has discovered a unique method of training that banishes cellulite. He hasn’t invented any new exercises, but he has discovered a certain pattern of body weight exercises that work along with a specific tempo. This is necessary to create significant change in the appearance of cellulite on a woman’s body.
He also emphasizes the importance of correct form when doing the eight lower body exercises in each workout. Correct form is important in order to stimulate as many lower body muscles as possible.
The best part of body weight training workouts is that you can do them anywhere. You can workout in the comfort of your own home. You can workout in your pajamas or during your vacation. Even with no gym equipment required for the lower body exercises, you will find your body changing within two weeks of beginning this quick routine.
Body weight exercises are also a good way for beginners to ease into a fitness plan. It’s true that body weight exercises can be challenging, but there are many ways to modify these movements in order to make them easier.
More details about the setup of the workouts are included further on in this write-up.

See how a unique combination
Of exercises really work
Fitness Goals
Body Transformation
The main fitness goal of this program is to change the appearance of your body. More specifically, your lower body where women tend to carry the most cellulite.
The exercises in the main portion of the Truth About Cellulite program consist of all lower body exercises that when done in the specific order using the tempo the creator of the program intended, are meant to quickly and drastically improve the appearance of your legs, hips, thighs, and buns.
If you are looking to reduce the appearance of cellulite on your belly and arms, two other places women tend to develop cellulite, you will be pleased to know that there are two additional videos you will receive when you purchase the program. These videos target these specific areas individually.
While the fitness and medical fields have both struggled with trying to identify the specifics concerning the causes of cellulite and how to eliminate it, Joey Atlas has taken the knowledge he has and created this program that works quickly and effectively. The three essential aspects of his cellulite-eliminating program include form, tempo, and sequencing of exercises.
Cellulite is a bit of a mystery. And Joey Atlas has done his detective work. He claims to have found the cure for this womanly curse and it doesn’t involve any expensive creams, questionable pills, boring diets, costly gym memberships, pesky wraps, or risky surgeries.
If you have tried any of these things to get rid of your cellulite in the past, you can save yourself any more headaches and give Joey Atlas’ program a try for 28 days and witness the results yourself.
Single Vs Group
- Alone
This program is designed to be done alone in the comfort of your own home.
However, there is nothing stopping you from taking your workouts elsewhere. All you need is your own bodyweight, a step, and an area on the ground you’ll be comfortable lying and kneeling down on.
There is nothing wrong with doing the workouts with a buddy if it helps you stay accountable. However, doing this program with a friend or a group is not necessary. By choosing a program that you can do on your own, you have the ability to do the workouts at any time of day. You are the boss of your own workout schedule.
Workout Location
- At home workout program only
- Can be done anywhere
The Truth About Cellulite program has been designed for you to do at home. You can do the program anywhere since it requires minimal equipment, so having a gym membership is not a necessity.
If you do choose to do the cardio segments, you are given the options of using a treadmill or a step-mill. However, there also cardio options that you can do both outdoors or in your own home, both with and without some simple equipment.
The nice thing about doing home workouts is having privacy while you exercise. Plus you save on expensive gym memberships and travel time. You’re also protecting your health by avoiding the chemicals that are found in some of the anti-cellulite potions being marketed today.

Change the appearance of
Your lower body in 12 weeks
Workout Equipment
- No - uses only body weight
The Truth About Cellulite program requires very little equipment.
The main piece of equipment that you will need for the lower body exercises is a raised step. The step should be approximately eight to twelve inches tall. This can be an exercise step, a sturdy step stool, a shorter chair, or even the stairs in your home.
Beginners are likely to feel more comfortable with a shorter step. As you become more familiar with the exercises and your legs get stronger, you have the option to move to a higher step if you wish to, but it’s not necessary in order for you to see a reduction in the appearance of your cellulite.
This program isn’t about building strength but it might be a nice side effect for you. It is about learning how to trigger all the right muscles in your lower body in order to get rid of your unwanted cellulite.
The second piece of equipment that you might want to have on hand is a set of light dumbbells. Hand weights are recommended for the arm toning video but if you’re a beginner, two cans of soup will work just as well for you.
Both of these pieces of equipment should be relatively easy to find and you shouldn’t need to shell out a lot of money for them.
Accessories (not required)
Other things to consider having on hand before you begin the exercises in the Truth About Cellulite program are a mirror and a yoga mat.
It is important to perform the exercises with proper form. A mirror will help ensure you are doing the exercises correctly so you are able to target the muscles you need to work in order to banish cellulite.
A yoga mat will give you a little bit of padding when you’re down on the floor. A mat is not mandatory to the program, and if you have a comfortable carpeted floor that you don’t mind lying down on, a yoga mat would be an unnecessary expense.
For the workouts, you should wear comfortable clothing and supportive footwear. There’s no need to go out and buy anything specific to wear but at the same time, you would not be comfortable doing these exercises in a dress and a pair of high heels. Save the sexy clothes for another time and slip into some comfy yoga pants and a pair of tennis shoes and get ready to work your cellulite off.
And last but not least, it would be good to have a camera on hand to capture some before photos. That way, you can look back after you take your 28-day photos and compare to see how much cellulite you’ve eliminated.
- 3-5 times per week
During the first phase of cellulite elimination, you will be required to do the program three times a week.
After your legs and thighs are smooth and cellulite-free, you can cut back to doing the Truth About Cellulite exercise routine only twice a week.
Joey includes several workout schedule samples in the program for you to choose from. Ideally, you will have a day of rest between your three main lower body sessions, and during those alternate days, you can choose to do an eighteen minute cardio workout, a seven minute arm toning workout, or an eight minute belly flattening routine.

Don’t worry if you’re not athletic
You can do it
- Follow required program regime strictly to get results
The Truth About Cellulite does require its users to stick to a fairly strict regime. That is, if you want to see optimal results, you will need to do the routine three times a week. Any less, and your results might be too slow and you’ll be discouraged.
You will also need to put in at least one month of three lower body workouts per week in order to lose the cellulite. Then continue on with twice weekly maintenance workouts for as long as you want to keep your legs firm and smooth.
The workouts themselves do not appear to be extremely challenging for the average woman. The creator of the program, Joey Atlas, gives lots of encouragement throughout the videos. He frequently reminds you that you should workout at the level you’re comfortable at, and over time you will be able to increase the intensity and range of the movements.
If you’re not able to do all the exercises as he demonstrates when you first try the workouts, remember that you have the rest of your life to get stronger, more mobile, and cellulite-free.
Joey does offer plenty of suggestions on how to modify the exercises in the Truth About Cellulite program. All of the modifications are ways to make the exercises easier; there is no need to make the exercises more challenging. That goes against the creator’s philosophy on cellulite.
Everyone begins with the same exercises, however range of motion for each exercise can be limited to what the user feels comfortable with. For example, if you can’t do a full squat, you can begin with squatting only part way down.
As you progress through the program, you will gain strength and be able to add in more volume to increase the intensity.
Optimal Diet Options
- Diet changes required: No
- Supplements Required: No
Supplement Brand
- Supplements Brands Recommended: No

Workout Program Support
If you require help or technical assistance, an email address is provided on the website for you to use.
Other than that, there is no closed online community of support for this specific program. However, the Truth About Cellulite Facebook page is active and Joey is on it regularly.
Joey has several Facebook pages that he posts on a few times a week. He is active in all of his pages, helping women and answering their questions in the comments section whenever he can. You can send him a message via Facebook.
Some of his Facebook pages include Joey Atlas Fitness, Truth About Cellulite, Symulast and SCULPTAFIT.
He also has active Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn accounts. And he regularly posts articles and uploads new videos to his blog/websites as well as his YouTube channel.
His blog/website has a contact form on it with messages that go directly to his assistant.
If you look further into his online accounts and website, you will see that he runs a free membership group. He also offers both a public and a private group on Facebook for additional support.
He even hosts a podcast called, “The Fitness Whisperer”, that you can subscribe to. There are currently 10 episodes available at the time this review was written.
User Testimonials
Joey Atlas has been helping women around the world transform their bodies for over 23 years. His method goes by several names: Naked Beauty, Symulast, and variations of the Truth About Cellulite.
By searching through his websites, you will come across testimonials of women he has helped. There aren’t a lot of pictures since many women tend to be uncomfortable posting pictures of their lower bodies for the whole world to see, but there are plenty of stories.
That being said, here are a few pictures from women who have used Joey Atlas’ training methods and been delighted with the results.
This is Belinda Benn in 2012. At the age of 40, she was an unhappy woman trapped in her body so she made the decision to take care of herself. At the age of 44, she entered her first bikini contest and she hasn’t looked back since. You will see Belinda in one of the lower body workout videos once you gain access to the Truth About Cellulite program.
Next is Nikki, a mother of 2. This was her lower body transformation in only 3 weeks! She dramatically reduced her cellulite while lifting her butt and smoothing her skin all over.
In the promotional video for Truth About Cellulite, Joey presents three case studies. Sonia was a 59 year old woman who was unhappy with her lower body and her cellulite was getting worse. She had tried lots of methods to get rid of her cellulite before stumbling across Joey’s program.
After only 4 weeks doing the program, she confidently wears the clothes she wants, feels confident, and receives lots of compliments on her improved shape.
Natalya, an office worker from Canada, found the program because her jeans were getting tight and she panicked when she took a look at her backside and noticed her cellulite.
She said that by week four of the program, her butt looked like something out of a Victoria Secret catalog! Her best friend couldn’t believe the change so she ordered the program herself.
Female figure champion and mom of one, Melissa Woolfson, shared her story in the comments on one of Joey’s blog posts.
Although Melissa used one of Joey’s other programs she was still able to reduce the look of cellulite on her legs, and tighten and lift her butt.
Here is Kathleen, a mom of three. Before she started the Truth About Cellulite program, she was overweight and exhausted. Her “after” results show the work she’s put in over the last three years. She says that she’s never been this thin or fit, even though she’s tried many other fitness programs without success.
And lastly, here is 43-year-old fitness trainer Lisa Balash, who turned to Joey for help when she was unhappy with the appearance of her lower body. Even though she was fit, toned, and “ate right”, the cellulite on her legs and buns never went away.
Until she began incorporating Joey’s methods. She saw a change after three weeks of the program and after four weeks, she says that nearly 98% of her cellulite was gone!
Other User Testimonials
Cellulite is a million dollar industry. And as Joey says in his promotional video, the creators of all the products that claim to reduce cellulite – the wraps, the lotions, the vibrating machines, the skin brushing techniques, the detox pills – don’t really want you to lose your cellulite. Because then they’ll lose your money!
The truth is, not a lot of people really know what causes cellulite. And even fewer people have discovered how to get rid of it for good.
If you search for “cellulite” on Instagram or Facebook, all you find are the products mentioned above – wraps, detoxes, lotions, and skin brushing techniques. Some women are also trying extreme diet and exercise protocols to get rid of their cellulite, not realizing that their weight has nothing to do with how much cellulite they have on their body.
If women knew about Joey’s cellulite reduction program, they would buy it. But it’s not easy to find it if you’re searching for the answer to your cellulite problem. And honestly, is there anything sexy about a 15 minute a day program? Most people incorrectly believe it has to be a lot more complicated than that in order to get results!
The place to find real reviews is in the comments sections on one of Joey’s several Facebook pages or on one of his many blogs. He spends a lot of time thoughtfully interacting with women that post their questions for him to answer.
Whether or not they believe his methods work for eliminating cellulite, the overall consensus among fitness professionals is that Joey Atlas is a knowledgeable trainer. He cares for his clients and he really does want them to succeed!
One of the best advertisements found for the Joey Atlas method was shown on a TV program called The Better Show. He brought with him two women who were relatively new to his program. Both had “before” pictures to prove the changes in their lower bodies.
One of the women was a mom with 2 young kids. She loved her results and found it easy to fit the program into her busy routine. Her skin was noticeably smoother and her butt had a definite lift to it.
The other lady was a little older. She had been doing the program for 3 months and said she was thrilled with her results, particularly of her smooth and youthful looking legs.
Workout Phases Overview
The two lower routines found in the Truth About Cellulite program each contain eight lower body exercises. Depending on how far you have ventured into fitness, you may or may not have seen all of these movements before. What makes them able to eliminate cellulite is Joey’s particular method.
In the beginning, one round of the eight main cellulite-reducing exercises should take you approximately 15 minutes. This will also depend on how much time you rest between exercises.
However, the two follow along videos that you’ll see when you log into the website are 16 and 19 minutes long. Each video contains some teaching and form tips to help you achieve the best results possible. You should have the video playing the first few times you do the routine so you make sure you’re doing the exercises correctly. Once you’ve mastered them, you can go through them at your own pace.
Joey promises that within seven to ten days, the skin on your lower body will get tighter and your dimples will start to fade. By the end of the two week mark, you will see continued smoothing and tightening of the skin on your hips, buns, thighs, and legs.
By week three, most women will notice visible results, even with their clothing on. And by day 28, you should notice that your legs, buns, hips, and thighs are looking a lot better as you step out of the shower. Smoother, firmer, tighter, and sexier.
Workout Program Phase 1
Beginners can start by performing each of the exercises within a range of motion they feel comfortable with. Joey offers plenty of encouragement to do all of the exercise in the routine to the best of the user’s ability. If that means making the movement smaller, that’s totally acceptable. Joey talks a bit about modifications in the two videos and more is written about it in the PDF version of the program.
Over time, you will get stronger and you’ll be able to increase your range of motion. And if you choose to, you can increase the number of rounds you do, up to two or three rounds for each lower body workout. As you increase the rounds, you can reduce the number of repetitions you do for each exercise and gradually work your way up to the recommended amount.
The PDF states that the ultimate goal is to work up to doing the 8-exercise routine three times each session, three times a week, with one to two days of rest between each lower body session.
You can also use the additional videos to flatten your belly and tone up your arms. Each of these upper body workouts are meant to be done once or twice a week, depending on your goals.
After spending two weeks on the lower body routine, you have the option to add in some anti-cellulite cardio. If, after two weeks, you notice that your cellulite is beginning to fade, you may not need to add the cardio. The 18-minute cardio routines Joey prescribes should be done once or twice a week for those that choose to perform them.
Workout Program Phase 2 – Maintenance
After you have achieved the results you want and your cellulite is gone, your workouts change slightly. Rather than doing the lower body routine three or four times a week, you only need to do it twice a week.
Two total-body toning bonus videos are also included on the private access website. You have the option of doing these routines on your days off.
Session one is just over 23 minutes long. After you have successfully attempted session one and you’re starting to find it easy, you can move onto the second routine which is just over 31 minutes long.
Money Back Guarantee
- Money back guarantee available: Yes
If you purchase the Truth About Cellulite program, you are backed by a “zero risk, no questions asked” sixty day guarantee. And you are promised a full refund if this program does not work for you.
Joey Atlas is extremely confident that his method will work for any woman who is looking to reduce the appearance of the cellulite on her legs, thighs, hips, and buns. He promises that you will soon have a smooth, tight, and sexy lower body if you do the program as it is outlined.
He has worked with women across the world for over 23 years, and it would be hard to be as successful as he is if he was promoting methods that didn’t work.
As Belinda Benn, Melissa Woolfson, Lisa Balash and many other women attest, this simple routine, when done faithfully three times a week, will help you eliminate the appearance of cellulite in your lower body within 28 days.
Investing in Diet and Supplements
Monthly Subscription Program
- Has Monthly Subscription Program: No
What we like about the Truth About Cellulite Program is that it is a doable fitness program. It has been designed for women of all ages and it is priced low enough so that anyone who wants to can take advantage of it. It encourages women to get active and live a healthier lifestyle without any extreme workouts or diets.
The program has been designed by an educated expert who has plenty of experience. Joey Atlas is in great shape with no cellulite to be seen. Clearly, he is a trainer who lives what he preaches.
This program doesn’t include anything dangerous. No crazy pills or detox supplements. There are no harmful chemicals or unusual machines involved.
What is involved are some simple home exercises that can be done nearly anywhere in the world. So it’s safe, convenient, and inexpensive; no gym membership required and no expensive equipment.
Since the Truth About Cellulite is a program that is meant to be used for as long as you want to keep your lower body cellulite-free, you should also be eating in a way that is healthy yet sustainable.
The good news is that the Truth About Cellulite doesn’t include any restrictive dieting. There is no specific eating plan that comes with the Truth About Cellulite and that is both good and bad, depending on what you like. A common sense, balanced approach to healthy eating is advised.
If you are hoping to lose weight, this program might not be for you. This program’s guarantee is to improve the outward appearance of your lower body; not weight loss or slimmer thighs.
Whether this program works for you as an individual will depend on you. If you’re willing to schedule the short workouts into your week, three to six days as recommended, you will likely see a significant change in the appearance of your lower body.
The workouts are doable for nearly everyone and plenty of encouragement to modify as you need to is given so nearly everyone can do the exercises. We recommend that along with the lower body routines, you incorporate the additional videos for arms and core and the 18-minute cardio routines to have a well rounded exercise plan.
If you consider what you’re getting when you purchase this program, the posted sales price of this program is extremely fair. If you’ve ever spent money on products that promise to eliminate your cellulite but don’t, you’ll be happy to know that the cost of this cellulite program – that is backed by a 60-day, full refund guarantee – is only $49.95.
So if you’ve been suffering behind long skirts and pants and avoiding swimsuits because of cellulite, it’s time to do something about it. Trust Joey, an experienced trainer with two degrees, to help you get the results you’ve been looking for!

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