Workout Plans For Beginners The Complete List Rated and Reviewed
If you have never been on a structured workout plan before finding one can be overwhelming. The sheer number of exercise programs geared for beginners makes choosing one difficult, and it is not uncommon for first timers to pick one simply based on celebrity endorsements. Often these plans are not designed to meet their fitness goals or are simply too confusing and inconvenient to stick with for the long term.
Just because you are new to exercising doesn’t mean that you can’t lose weight, tone muscles, or simply improve your overall health as long as you choose the right workout plan. In this guide you will find the top workout plans for beginners rated and reviewed by experienced personal trainers or medical experts so you can confidently choose a fitness program that meet your needs.
Beginner Workouts for Women
Even though most women are perfectly capable of completing the same workouts as men it is important to remember that this might not always be the best choice, depending on your fitness goals.
Women’s bodies are built differently, and not all girls want to have bulging biceps or “6-pack” abs. This and the fact that women often want to work on improving specific areas often makes men’s workout programs ill-suited for them.
This can be especially true for beginners who might still be trying to decide on whether they want a total body transformation or just want to firm their butts or tighten their abs.
The best beginner workouts for women will target several areas, instead of just one.
The focus of these programs should be on a woman’s overall health and fitness, and some of the top rated ones will also call for changes in lifestyle and diet. It should start off relatively easy, gradually building in intensity.
Not only will this help prevent injury, it will also make it easier to stick with the plan. It should also cover what to do if you miss the occasional daily workout, and come with detailed instructions on how to properly perform each exercise.
Top 10 Workout Plans For Beginners
Other Top Rated Workouts In This Category
Beginner Workouts for Men
When guys are looking for a top rated beginners’ workout plan there are a few aspects they will want to consider. Since they are just starting out on the road to fitness the one they choose should be easy and convenient to follow. This includes being able to easily perform each exercise and follow any included meal plan.
Overall beginners’ workouts are typically the same, though there are a few differences when it comes to whether they are designed for men or women.
Most of the daily workouts focus on improving stamina, strengthening and toning muscles, along with improving your general health. Once you feel confident, and have the stamina, you can move on to more advanced workout plans that concentrate on improving a specific area or skill.
Our editor’s choice for this Workout ProgramOur experts are constantly searching for the best Workouts out there. Here is our editor’s Workout of choice for the Workout Plans For BeginnersBodyweight Burn
Workout designed by Adam Steer & Ryan Murdoch- Duration: 3-12 weeks
- Frequency: 3-5 times per week
- Total Cost:
- Money Back Guarantee
Fitness Goals:
- Building Muscle
- Fat Burning
- Body Transformation
- Bikini Body
- Gain Strength
- Functional Fitness
4 Week and 8 Week Beginner Workouts
It seems like everyone is looking for instant results when it comes to their workout plans, even beginners who are just starting out.
While it is unrealistic to expect to completely transform your health or your body in a few short weeks, there are advantages to choosing a 4 or 8 week fitness plan.
If you used to work out regularly but have gotten out of the habit, these short workout plans can get you back in shape and ready to tackle more advanced programs. When it comes to beginners, a month or 2 month long program can help ensure that they stick with it. They might even discover that they actually enjoy working out.
Athletes recovering from injuries or surgery can also benefit from one of these timed workout plans.
One important tip to remember is that often shorter plans almost immediately throw you into a full body workout. If this really is your first time working out daily you might want to consider one that lasts for at least 8 weeks so you can gradually get used to the demands of the program. This can also help ensure that you stick with your chosen workout plan.
Lifting Workouts for Beginners
Beginners will want to be careful if they are searching for a lifting workout. It is easy to overestimate your strength and endurance, especially if you are a beginner. After all a 5 pound weight doesn’t seem like that much, until the next day when you can’t lift your arms.
Trying to impress yourself and others by lifting too much can cause painful injuries that could end up having an impact on your quality of life.
When you are looking for a lifting workout, it should start off with plenty of stretching. This will help loosen your muscles and prevent painful strains and even tears. The exercise program should start off slow and easy during the first few weeks, gradually building in intensity as your strength and stamina improves.
You will want to watch out for fitness plans that promise ripped muscles in only a couple of weeks. Not only is this potentially dangerous, it is also completely unrealistic.
Building strength, stamina and muscles will take time and hard work, especially if you are just starting out.
Check out our expert editor’s choice for this Workout Program:
Bodyweight BurnBeginner Workout Plans to Lose Weight
It is possible to find several effective workout plans for beginners that want to lose weight, and keep it off.
The most important thing to remember is to be wary of plans that promise weight loss of 10 pounds or more per week.
This is usually unrealistic and to achieve these astonishing results you often find that you are starving yourself, which can have a detrimental effect on your overall health. If you are constantly hungry you can also experience mood changes, along with the fact it is difficult to stick with a daily workout plan you are miserable with.
A weight loss plan for beginners will be easy and convenient to follow, from the exercises to the daily meal plans. Substitutions for certain foods that you dislike should be clearly laid out, along with a reasonable chart to follow that will help you track calories and daily nutrients consumed.
Just because you are trying to lose weight doesn’t mean that it is okay to skip out on the macro and micronutrients you need to stay healthy.
The daily exercises should focus on working your entire body, especially in the beginning. As the program progress you can start concentrating on toning and firming specific areas.
You also want the daily workout routines to gradually increase in intensity to prevent injuries and ensure that it is not too hard for you to complete. If you are willing to follow the workouts and make healthy changes to your diet, you will find that it is easier than you thought to lose the weight and keep it off.
Workout Plans for Beginners at Home
Some of the best workout plans for beginners can be done at home, though you want to be careful on which one you choose.
Some home workout plans don’t always take into account you might not know what a “side plank” is, and if you are asked to do a “burpee” you might feel the need to say “excuse me”. These are actually common terms that you often need to be familiar with if you are going to successfully complete your daily workout routines.
If you like the idea of being able to work out in the comfort of home, at your convenience, one of these programs will probably be the best choice for you.
The best ones will come with plenty of guidance and instruction, and some top rated exercise programs will also provide you with access to their supportive and informed online community. If nothing else you will want to make sure that it comes with plenty of pictures so you can at least see how to execute a “side plank”.
Our Fitness Experts have ranked Bodyweight Burn as
the choice Workout for this ProgramFAQ
There are workout plans that are designed for weight loss, but it is important to remember that you shouldn’t expect to see results overnight.
If you want to safely lose weight and keep it off, it should be a gradual process that touches on all aspects of your life. This will not only include a set workout plan, but also a healthy, low calorie meal guide.
Beginners have several options if they prefer to exercise at home. Due to the increasing demand from health conscious consumers, many experienced trainers are designing their programs for their clients to do at home.
This way you can still get your workouts in, at your own convenience.
This can be a difficult question to answer, simply because it will depend on the workout program. Unfortunately there are some unexperienced people posting fitness plans that are supposedly geared for beginners, but many of these do not take into account all of the aspects that need to be considered.
Overall, most are safe and extremely effective as long as they are created by experienced and qualified trainers.
You can find several safe and effective weight loss plans for beginners, and it is possible to lose up to 10 pounds in a month. The amount of time and hard work that you put in will affect how much weight you lose, along with daily caloric intake.
It is important to take it slow in the beginning, and you do not want to starve yourself just to meet your weight loss goals. Not only can this be dangerous for your health, in most cases the weight will come back once you start eating regular meals again.
There are several workout programs that are designed specifically for beginner bodybuilders.
These fitness plans are actually recommended, especially if you are new to strength and weight training.
If you are willing to follow the set exercises a workout plan geared for beginners can tone muscles. In fact, this is usually one of the benefits associated with them.
Most beginners start noticing results after a couple of weeks, and within a month of starting, others might also start commenting on how fit and healthy you look.
The answer to this question is a little tricky. Guys with a naturally slender frame who are looking to “bulk up” will need to follow a specific workout plan and eat a diet that is high in lean protein.
If you are just starting out a workout plan for beginners will give you the building blocks you need so you can safely move onto a program that will help you “bulk up”.
To ensure your safety and give you long lasting results, most experienced trainers will recommend that you start with a plan that will help you tone and strengthen muscles, before moving on to the strenuous body building plans.
Overall, there are very few differences between men and women’s beginner workout plans and there aren’t any rules that state you must do one or the other.
If your primary care physician agrees that the plan is safe you can choose almost any beginner’s fitness program that meets your needs. Where the workout plans differ will be on specific areas on the body that men and women want to improve.
It is not hard to find a top workout program for building muscle, but it should be mentioned that it will take time and effort.
It is impossible to build bulging biceps or even get “6-pack” abs overnight, but if you are willing to work at it you will start to notice a difference after a few weeks.
If you are looking to build muscle you will want the workout plan to call for training with equipment or include exercises that require you to move your body weight.
Almost any experienced trainer and licensed physician will all tell you that cardio is an important part of most beginner workout plans.
When you are just starting out you want to concentrate on improving your overall health, and this includes your cardiovascular system.
An added bonus associated with cardio workouts is that these exercises can also boost your metabolism, and are an effective way to burn fat and calories.
If you are ready to make a complete lifestyle change you can start to burn stubborn belly fat. When the exercises are combined with a low fat and reduced calorie diet, in time you will start to notice your stomach becoming firmer, flatter and more toned.
Like any other top fitness plan it will take time and dedication, but it you are committed to achieving results you will start to notice improvements after a few weeks.
It might be surprising for some people to learn that there are free beginners’ workout plans that are safe and effective. The cost of some of the popular fitness programs can be over $100, and this is usually before the cost of equipment and food is factored in.
With a little time and research, along with advice from your primary care physician it is possible for you to find an effective plan for free.
It is relatively easy to find workout plans for teenage girls, and in some cases this can be important for their overall safety and health. The same is also true for teenage boys.
The reason why you might want to consider a beginners’ workout plan for teenagers is that their bodies are typically still developing, and in some cases exercises geared for adults might do them more harm than good.
There are several workout programs for adults over 50 that are just starting out.
They will help older adults improve their general health, without putting added stress on joints and tendons.
Adults who are 50 and older can also find ones that will help them build and tone muscles, but these are only recommended for experienced fitness buffs or after you have completed a beginners’ program.
This is not to say that older adults are not capable of completing the same routines as younger men and women, only that they often have different health needs and goals that need to be taken into consideration.
You can find a variety of beginners’ workout plans for all types of athletes. Runners, cyclists, swimmers, and players on team sports can all improve their skill and performance levels with the right exercise plan.
Even though you might think that you are already a good athlete, if this is your first time participating in a regimented workout you will want to choose one that is designed for beginners. This will ensure that you still get the workout you need, while reducing your chance of injury.
Yes, there are several workout plans that do not require the use of weights. If toning, strengthening or building muscle is your goal you can still find effective programs that don’t come with weights.
Instead many of these plans will have you take full advantage of moving your body weight and these exercises have been used effectively for hundreds of years, with examples being the first Olympian athletes or even ancient Roman gladiators.
Not all plans come with equipment, and these programs are often just as effective at improving your overall health.
They are often free and definitely more cost effective.
Beginner workouts are generally designed to help people lose weight or even strengthen and tone muscles, and when you have finished with the program then you can move onto one that might require the use of equipment if your goal is to achieve a specific result. This often pertains to budding bodybuilders or athletes that need to focus on a specific muscle group.
There is no reason why you can’t participate in one at the gym, and for some people it also comes with several advantages. You have access to all of the equipment you might need, without having to purchase it yourself.
In most cases there are experienced trainers on hand to make sure that you are doing the exercises right and this can help prevent injuries.
There is also the added advantage of having plenty of support around, which can be vital when you feel discouraged.
It is important to remember that you don’t have to work out at the gym, which can be good news for people that feel self-conscious or simply don’t want to exercise with others.
For some people the answer is “yes”, but this might not be true for everyone. Your body type, health and metabolism will all factor into your results, and it is also important to remember that not all beginner workout plans are created equally.
In most cases a beginners’ workout plan will help you get started, and when you are ready you can switch to one of the programs that is specifically designed to give you a bikini ready body.
There are several places where you can find the best workout plans for beginners. The internet is full of workout programs for you to choose from. Your primary health care provider can often recommend an effective beginners’ exercise plan, along with friends and family who have the same goals as you.
At Top Workout Programs you can also find a complete list of beginners’ exercise plans that have been rated and reviewed by fitness and medical experts.
Don't forget to check out our expert's Workout of choice for this Program:
Bodyweight Burn